Special Stage 1

978 20 7

Hey guys. So today starts the new ova episodes, 'Special Stage'. Up above is a drawing I made of Kyoko and another new character. Sorry if it's long, but I hope you enjoy it and the song I picked. Let's Ride~!

Morning broke; the air was cold, but the sun peeked its way up. The train was up and running as everything came by in a flash. Sitting alone in one cart, Kyoko was looking out the window. Her hair was fashioned into a low hair-bun. She wore a crushed-velvet-hooded top with short sleeves (black tank-top underneath), light-navy-shorts, sneakers, and a patch-denim-cap. Next to her was her backpack and road racer. She wanted to be prepared, in case of emergencies.


Approaching Kanagawa....Hakone, Kanagawa...

"Ah..." She heard the train announce its destination.


When it came to a stop, the doors opened, and Kyoko quickly got out. She took a deep breath.

"Alright..." She rode her bike the rest of the way. However, she didn't expect a little surprise heading towards the same road. About halfway, she spotted someone. A very tiny someone, just resting on a rock.

"...A boy?" She stopped in front of him. From the looks of it, he was a small toddler. He had short, dark-brown-hair and green-eyes. He wore a jacket with a lion logo on the left-side. The toddler stared at her, curiously. Kyoko kneeld down and smiled.

"Hello. What are you doing here?" He just kept silent, making her believe he's the quiet-type.

"Is your mommy or daddy around?" Kyoko saw him shake his head while giving a small muffle. Kyoko sighed with concern.

"I guess you're lost. Well, then...I should go back to town and help you find...eh?" Suddenly, the toddler put his small-chubby hands on her leg. he didn't show much facial expression, but those big-eyes staring made Kyoko mentally whine, thinking how cute he was. She immediately picked him up.

"...Do you...want to go up there?" She looked up the road and then saw him nod.

"Sigh...guess I have no choice." Kyoko first called the police on the situation, telling them she would be at Hakone Academy. After that, she opened her backpack and put him inside, while wearing it in front of herself.

"Sorry, but this is all I have."

Kyoko finally reached the front of the school. Standing, she dialed a number and waited until the caller picked up.

"....Ah, hello. I'm fine, thank you. Yes, I'm right in front of the entrance. Okay...bye." Kyoko then held the toddler, making him look at her.

"While we wait...could you tell me your name?" The toddler reached into his pocket and gave her a nametag.

"....Kazuki...what a cute name. I'm Kyoko...nice to meet you." She put out her hand. Kazuki put both his hands onto hers, making her blush with a smile.

'So cute~' She cooed.

At that moment, she saw the familiar redhead jogging towards her.

"Good morning~" He hollered. He wore a yellow t-shirt with big-lips logo and the sleeves rolled up, baize pants and sneakers.

"Good morning, Shinkai. Sorry if I came so early, but it was the only time I could catch the train."

"It's okay." He then saw the toddler.

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