Chapter 32: Letting the past behind me, Miyabi's redemption.

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3rd Person's POV

After Daidõji and Rin have finish their battle against Mikami, they start running toward the direction where Asuka and the rest of the group were heading to chase down The Reaper, meanwhile the battle between Ayame and the Shinobi army against still rage with several lose on both side.

Several Shinobi were severely injured but Ayame has taking worst has the battle become more and more difficult as she is mortally wounded.

Fuuma: Ayame ! are you okay ?

Ayame: Fuuma...... Muramasa..... you both are here.

Muramasa: yes and not only us, several shinobi from Gessen, Hebijo and others shinobi school are here.

Ayame: that's...... great....... everyone is here...... to help Asuka and the others.

Fuuma & Muramasa looked at Ayame and see that she is mortally wounded in the belly as blood didn't stop coming from the injury, Hijikata and Seimei arrival and discover in horror Ayame cover in blood.

Seimei: Ayame !

Hijikata: Ayame are you okay ? please say something.

Ayame: Seimei..... Hijikata...... you all here...... i'm sorry..... i wanted to be...... useful for once and..... helping Asuka and the others...... but in the end..... i wasn't able..... to keep my promise.

Fuuma: "tears" please Ayame don't say such a thing, you gonna survive i know, you have a bright futur, you can't die here....

Seimei: "tears"don't die please..... Ayame.

Muramasa: "tears" you can't die here, while someone you admire and love is waiting for you.

Ayame: i know..... but...... i don't know ....... if i'm able to keep my promise to her...... argh.

More bloods was coming from Ayame's mouth while the other girls were in panic to see her in that state.

Hijikata: please Ayame you have to hold on, we will save you, please just don't talk keep your strength.

Seimei: plus there's a lot more Yõma who's coming right in our direction, what are we gonna do ?

At the instance, Ayame get up despite her bad state and prepare one last attack before she lose her consciousness completely.

Ayame: "breathing hardly" i have one more attack.... i haven't use it yet, but.... i promised myself to use it only as a last resort.

At that moment Muramasa, Hijikata, Seimei and Fuuma notice that Ayame's body was surrounding by several elements including Earth, Wind, Lightning, Water, Ice and Fire.

Fuuma: Ayame, what is this attack ?

Ayame: "breathing hardly" this is an attack.... i have invented myself, but it is so strong.... that it can wipe off an entire army.... but there is a price to pay and it's the life of it's user.

They were in shock to heard that from their friend and she was about to do a suidice attempt to stop the Yõma army from getting any feature.

Fuuma: Ayame, don't do this.

Muramasa: please Ayame stop.

Hijikata: Ayame, no

Seimei: "crying" don't do that.... please Ayame stop.... this is suicide.

Ayame look at them with a last smile and saying his goodbye to her friends.

Ayame: "smiling" everyone thank you for all the moments i have with you all and Katsuragi-senpai, i hope you will forgive me, but right now this fight is your fight, Sayonara.

Senran Kagura: The Black SwordsmanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora