Pre-Story Information

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Here is some boring stuff most people don't like to read, but I am required to put it in beforehand. If I am missing anything I would love to know.


Twenty two year old Alexandra Jones is part of the Next Generation, also known as the NG. It is full of a generation of students that are chosen by a series of tests. If these tests are passed, that student will be granted with the power and blessing of magic. Alex and five of her friends are the only ones to pass these tests. 

In Alex's test, she experienced a war with her friends, family, and daughter. She realizes the message behind it as she goes on an class training gone wrong. The six friends work on a spell and end up being sent to a winter wonderland known as the Chill Factor. As they go through this rumored land, Alex struggles with what is reality or only a figment of magic. 

Alex gets thrown into her past with her ex boyfriend and will have to decide if she is willing to forgive and forget or will she push him away. Will she fall in love and her family repair itself again? As she is working through the struggle of the father of her baby, she becomes a leader to escaping the Chill Factor and realizes the real reason she is there. Alexandra quickly discovers what romance is all about with someone new in her life. The government's secrets, her past, and sorting through the facts crashes into Alex as she gets back home. 

Secrets will be spilled. The government's intentions will be uncovered. Missing people will be found. The past will be uncovered. Will a war start?

Read more to find out.


There are many characters that all have different personalities. They may make you feel sad, angry, excited, in love, and many more. They may not always make the best decisions or have a happy ending, but everything is for a reason.

All characters are made from my imagination and every plot, name, scene, or anything else is of coincidence. 

How I write

I will always write at minimum of 1,000 words.  

I am human so there will be mistakes and not always match up, but I do edit my chapters before I publish them. I occasionally go back and change chapters, therefore things may or may not be changed. If it is, I will be making an Author's Note. I rarely put author's notes but I will put the word count at the end of the chapter.

Please note that nothing in this book is based off of real information. All of the spelling of the Navajo language I received is from the website 

Most of the time things will be in first person, but it is mainly in the main character's point of view. At the beginning of every chapter I will say what point of view (POV) it is. As the story progresses, the point of view may change.

This book may contain strong and mature scenes, words, and actions. Content may include strong language, sexual content, and more. You have been warned so do not message me with hateful comments and harass me.


Please do not advertise any books or harass people within the comments. If you would like me to advertise your book, please ask in a personal message.

I would like ideas and/or constructive criticism, but please do not be rude and do it in a PRIVATE message, not on my page. I do enjoy reading positive comments and such on my page, so I am open to comments.

All Rights Reserved

All rights reserved - Copyright 2019 by Katty_Kat5335

No one is allowed to copy any part of the book without my authorization. This book contains material protected by International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. If you copy any part of this book there will be consequences. It may not be reproduced or copied in any form including electronic, photocopying or screenshots, recording, or any other way. Anything and everything in this book is my idea and my idea only. It CANNOT be copied in any shape or form. That is called plagiarism my sweet children.

The author, I (Katty_Kat5335), owns this book and is ONLY available on Wattpad. If it is anywhere else, please notify me immediately.

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