The Chill of Him

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Alexandra's POV

I stand in the middle of the trailer park, snow crunching under my feet. Panic sets in my chest as I breathe heavily, almost as if I've been running for miles. My eyes dart around, searching for danger to come at me.

All of a sudden I'm tackled to the ground and my arms are flying trying to get in a hit. I can tell it's a man by the way his arms push me down almost as if he is protecting me from everyone except himself. 

"Stop! Alex, please just look at me."

At the sound of his voice, my body betrays me and stops instantly. My eyes trail their way up his bare chest to his face. I scan his face, remembering the last time we were in a position like this. His lips were still as red and plump as ever. His blond hair was begging me to run my fingers through it one last time. His jawline was as sharp as a knife, making me bite my lip. His eyes- oh his eyes! The green eyes that scanned my face called to me. They pulled me in, almost like they were telling a story.

My fingers tingled with the need to touch his face. "Ashton." I trail off with a breathy sigh.

"I love you, Alex," I suck in a breath. "I always have and I always will."

"I-I..." My fingers trail over the stubble on his chin. It made him look so incredibly sexy.

"But I don't want you. I never did. I never will." He gets off of me, leaving me confused and speechless. "You knew I wanted Jenna all along. I mean, come on! She has an amazing ass."

I stand up, my ego bruised. I was so confused. He loved me, but didn't want me? That is not love. How he was speaking to me is not love.

All of a sudden his hands were on my shoulders, shaking me. I went to smack his hands away with all of the anger in my body before my eyes shot open.

Lilian was there, brushing her thumb across my cheek to catch a tear. "It's okay, shhh. It was just a bad dream."

She takes me into her arms as I gasp for a breath. I break away, wiping my tears angrily. I was furious that I was crying over him yet again. I just got over these stupid nightmares and here he was, back to haunting my dreams with that stupidly sexy smile. 

"You okay, sweet pea?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm good. Thank you," My morning voice cracks, giving me away.

"Get some more rest. We're heading out soon," Lilian gives me a sympathetic smile and walks into the kitchen.

I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again, but I lay my head down as my eyes drifting down to my beautiful daughter. My fingers run through her hair that was the same as my chestnut hair. She squirms with a groan, making her nose wrinkle up in distaste of being woken up.

"Good morning, baby. It's time to get up." I whisper as a little whine escapes to show her protest of opening her eyes.

I smile at the little girl who looks just like me. I move away, allowing her a few minutes left of sleep and walk into the kitchen to start making more coffee.

"I disagree with the statement of conquest. I believe that Sheldon Cooper is a remarkable man who should repopulate to increase the intellectual beings on this planet." Lilian rolls her eyes with a smile as Alfie continues to argue over God knows what.

"Bro, you need people like us to keep the world interesting! If only "intellectual beings," Noah makes quotation marks with his fingers. "Life on this planet would basically be robots and you would all die because animals would be too smart for your hunting bs."

"Dear colleague you have a point. But my theory is at that point in a new era, the human species would already have come up with a new technique to acquire nourishment."

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