Making a Deal

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Anik's POV

Pure excitement was strumming through my veins. Not only do I know for a fact that we're going to be able to convince all of the other tribes - which no one has ever completed before - but also I get to be with Alexandra all day. 

She was growing on me faster than I would like to admit.  Being around her makes a smile permanently grow on my face and makes me feel all... warm inside. 

I have been waiting for the person made for me all my life. My mother and father, even if they don't seem like it, are hopeless romantics and I certainly am as well. All my life I have seen my father do the little things for my mother like bring her a handful of flowers from our greenhouse or taking her out to watch the sunset. I have always wanted someone I can do that with, and even if we just met, I can see myself doing that with Alexandra. 

She was a beautiful asdzáán or woman. Her long hair reminded me of a sea that I wanted to swim in forever. Her tan olive skin made her shine against the white snow, which seemed to make her stand out in a crowd. Her eyes, oh man her eyes. They may be only gray, but they were so much more than that. There was a golden, almost red tint to her eyes that glowed when she was angry or passionate about something. 

What I loved most about her was her passion to help others. She put so many people before herself, her daughter included. As a leader, it was inspirational to me when she worked so hard to protect every person that she could. When she was with my sisters, all I could feel was a swell of pride at how easily she fit into the crowd. 

It was like she belonged with me, with my tribe. 

As Alexandra and I walked to the entrance, I noticed two guards on horses. My instinct was to protect her in case they were dangerous. I felt my body tense as my eyes darted back and forth between them.

"Hodéezyéél, Anik." (Calm, Anik) The biggest man stated. "Chief Adnan has sent horses for you both to make your trip faster."

"Thank you very much!" Alexandra said with a polite smile perched along her face. She was so kind when dealing with other people, even people who were said to be the enemy.

"Nizhónígo ch'aanidíínaał." (Have a good journey) The smaller man gave me an evil glare. My tribe was not known to be allied with the Apache Tribe. They were not always willing to compromise and that was how we do things. We trade with other tribes and take care of each other. 

"Have a great day!" Alexandra said as she waved goodbye to them.

They looked at her as if she was crazy before getting off and handing us the reins. I walked my horse to Alexandra as she stroked his side.

"It can be confusing to ride a horse, but I can show you if you'd like," I stated, excited to share a part of my culture with her.

"They're very beautiful," Alexandra says with that gorgeous smile on her face. My eyes darted to her plush, red lips before back to her eyes. 

"Yes, not just that, but horses are a gift from our ancestors. When we die, it is said our souls become one with our spirit animal, so we treasure all animals." A smile found it's way onto my face as I said this.

Her 5'8 figure looked up at my 6'4 figure in awe before smiling at the horses. "That's amazing. That is an alluring thought. I love the passion you have for your people."

"Thank you. After all, I am meant to lead them. Since I was a kid my two priorities have been to find an amazing asdzáán (wife) I can spend my life with and lead my people with an honest and kind heart." My cheeks go pink as I glance up to see her reaction. Her eyes jerk back to me as I talk about a wife. She smiles, not quite reaching her eyes. 

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