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~Listen the music above while reading for the full experience. It is suggested that you loop it, as this same song will be recommended for the whole chapter.~


    “Outstanding, isn’t it?” Hoseok whispered to himself as he adjusted this burgundy-colored tie. This elegant piece of fabric seemed to cascade down the hem of his pricey, white shirt, making him look very professional and presentable. “The universe is so vast, and I of all have the right to rule it alongside some other legendary beings.”

    Hoseok cracked his knuckles in haste, before running his slender fingers through his very own head of messy red hair. He lifted his chin in such a way that let him admire the scenery above him. His extravagant bedroom was shaped as a dome, covered in windows from floor to ceiling. He observed the stars, the planets, the worlds, the unknown. The galaxies, they were dancing, in Hoseok’s eyes, and he wanted nothing but to join them. He gracefully took a tentative step forward onto his marble flooring. After quickly reassuring himself that he was completely alone, he snapped his fingers and put on a performance-worthy expression. Out of the blue, beautiful music started to sprout from the corners of his quarters. Masked by his passion, he started to move. He swayed side to side, arms, flowing in the air, legs nothing to the rhythm in perfect harmony, he felt so very at peace. He gathered his pace, flying through the air, and landing on the floor with a loud thud. He could hear the pieces of stained glass hanging from the tip of his ceiling-dome vibrate, signaling that he had a powerful movement. Hoseok danced for many minutes before realizing he had been carried away.

    “The meeting is undoubtedly in thirty minutes time.” He muttered to himself while softly panting from his impromptu dance break. Beads of sweat had already started to form around his forehead, and the veins on the crook of his neck were somewhat more visible. He regained his composure, took a glass of fresh aqua, and he kissed his wrists, something he had grown to do everytime he is in need of good luck. “I must not be tardy for my first reunion with those powerful representatives.”

    He grabbed his access pass, a glass card on which the word ‘Sensation’ could be read. As the captain of such a fine and beautiful spaceship, there were many responsibilities for young and misunderstood Jung Hoseok.

    As he strode down the futuristic hallways of the ‘Sensation’, he couldn’t help but admire her fine shape and details. She was a perfect combination of advanced technology and raw delicacy, as her iron walls were embroidered with blue lights and decorated with lilacs--an idea that Hoseok had come up with while having an artistic round of his. In fact, that’s what he considered himself to be, an artist. Although he may be labeled as a politician, a rich man, the “Joy of Cyborbia”, he was nothing but a sweet threat masked in charm and allure. Some people say he sleeps with every woman, some say he kills every seventh person that boards his ship. Whatever the rumor might be, Hoseok knew in his heart what he was.

    An artist.

    And him standing at the doors of the Universal Congress, letting out a long, deep breath, would be enough evidence to prove that.


~I really hope you’ve enjoyed the very first chapter of my very first fanfiction. This had no plan whatsoever, I just wanted to start writing. Excuse the sloppiness. Please leave constructive criticism.~

Thank you.

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