chapter 6: i got her!

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I'm finally out of the hospital!!
The cast around my neck was aloud off, so my neck is fine.
My leg didn't really get broken so the cast was aloud of, but i'm not aloud to run on it and I've got some sort of plaster cast thingy on it.
My arm is the worst, it got completely smashed.
but the amazing thing os...... MY LAPTOP DIDN'T BREAK!!!
Now i can find Dani.
It's night so i sneak out of the house, making very little noise.
I grab my bike and go to the house where Dani is locked up.
it's not far, it is in the woods though.
When i get to the house i put my bike in the bush and i climb through a window.
I see a door leading to i think a basement. It's locked!
i unlock it with a bobby pin. Oldest trick in the book.
'Dani?' i wisper.
'Lisa!' Dani half wispers half shouts.
she runs up to me and i hug her tight. I've got my baby sister back. She's completely bruised and as thin as paper.
"Come with me" i tell her.

Lisa rescued me!
i'm so happy I can feel tears building up. I felt like giving up so many times and now there's something to hold on to
we where just about to leave when someone says
"where do you think you are going?"
We turn around and the kidnapper is standing there.
He punches me and lisa kickes him.
again and again and again.
she drags me outside and i sit on the back of her bike.
i must of half fallen asleep.
when we get back lisa opens the door and shouts


When we go through the door i shout
Everyone come's rushing down.
Dani falls to the ground completely unconscious.


Dani falls to the ground completely unconscious.
I pick her up and put her on the sofa.
"Dani?" i say softly.
she looks completely starved and she's got cuts and bruises all over.
she groggily wakes up.
"Someone get her food!" i say.
Katherine and Christina rush to the kitchen and come back with water and and some crisps
It's been about a month.
Dani drinks and eats.
Lisa gets some cream for her bruises and cuts.
She rubbes softly.
Dani starts to look better.
"someone better call 911 just to be sure" my dad says.
mum walks to the phone and dials.
Soon the ambulance arrives.
I notice lisa looking weak to, so i walk to a doctor.
"Can you take her with you?"
i ask while pointing at lisa.
The doctor nods and asks Lisa to lie down on a strecher.
She does, but passes out nearly immediately.
oh no! 2 siblings in the hospital.
Will they be ok?

A/N hey guys! Hope you liked this newly edited chapter! I'm just about to edit the next chapter! I'll edit the next chapter again later, bye guys!!

Got Lost In The FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora