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Leo's face almost lit up and, headed out the front door, "Take me to her."

Hawk headed to the Axe-Dune and there the two were, Venner trying to get the needle shackles off her but the more he tried the more they burrowed into her wrists.

"AH!" She winced. Venner shook his head, he had never seen a contraption like this. He tried again and she tried not to pull away from the piercing pain.

"You keep doing that, her hands will be sliced off." Leo's deep voice shot through her, and her eyes widened. Her eyes shined with a fondness only a well-loved daughter could have, and Leo embraced her tightly. She found her family, "Dad!" For the first time, Venner saw a genuine white smile across her face. The sight alone warmed his heart, he was so happy for her. He left the two so they could talk, standing with Hawk as they watched the two reunite after so many years.

"How on earth did you get in this predicament, little Wisp?" He asked. Looking down at her bound wrists. He took them in his hands, inspecting them before tearing off a piece of his sleeve to mend his daughter's wrists. "I didn't plan on being enslaved for a day." She looked down at her father, taking out the spikes one by one as she spoke. I was following the damn wolf that stole our food- "

Leo chuckled as he pulled out a spike, of course she would do something as rash as stealing back her food from a wild animal. It didn't surprise him. Fallon looked over at him, watching as he carefully took the needled spikes out of her skin. She felt no pain, not when her father was around, his touch was still gentle and protective, knowing how to carefully tend to his child still.

"Still putting yourself in ridiculous situations, hm?" He asked.

"I found you, didn't I?"

Leo replied with kissing his daughter's temple, picking up his fatherly duty like it had never been lost. "There." He held up one wrist that was free from the ruthless spikes. Her wrist looked perforated, red blood dripping from the holes and staining her pale skin. He wrapped the wrist with his sleeve, tying it firmly before starting on the next one. "I'll clean the wounds when we get to the compound."

"Compound?" She asked. "Is Mom there?"

Leo fell silent, he wished she didn't ask. Fallon froze in fear, "Where's Mom?"

Leo met her green eyes, "She was taken by Tazmerian Priests when she refused to submit to them, she's a slave." The look on his face made her heart drop, to see his own daughter almost have the same fate as her mother must have scared him greatly. "I've been searching for her ever since."

Fallon bit her bottom lip. The last spike stinging as he pulled it out didn't even come close to the pain of the loss of her mother. She sighed, blocking out the pain. Leo wrapped her other wrist and finally took a good look at her face; she was a woman now. She looked just like her mother, the same green eyes and alabaster locks that he remembered. He couldn't resist the fatherly instinct to cup her face to see if she were real. Indeed, she was and seeing her filled his heart with joy, "My little Wisp." His thumbs stroked her cheeks. Hawk and Venner came back, meeting the other two who had content expressions on their faces.

Leo looked straight at Venner, "Thank you for taking care of Fallon and getting her out of there."

The deep voice of Leo shook in his chest, humbling him, he simply nodded. Venner took a good look at Leo, this was her father. The red headed man stood with authority and Venner almost shrunk back under his gaze. His whole presence demanded respect without him saying a word. Hawk smirked at Venner's reaction; he was intimidated by Leo's whole demeanor.

Leo didn't reply to Venner's awkward reaction, he understood and gave him a slight nod, "Come with me, I'll take you to where you'll be staying."

Leo led the three to a rundown building that had a glowing golden light shining in the windows. A large gate was erected, almost like a barricade to keep others away from the area. Fallon looked around as Leo gave the man watching the gate the code word and the Dune pulled in. There were countless people walking around and talking to one another, it was like a haven for the Derelictonians. Her father organized this. She looked over at her father amazed.

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