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Hawk sits in the Viper, inspecting the scroll that had been taken from the late Bartholomew. The page was now dry, but it was still stained with blood and saliva, reading, and translating it would be difficult. Gideon comes to sit near the raven-haired man and looks at the page that he held in his hands. "I wish I could translate the ancient writings. The Chieftess wiped that from all the Tompers.

"It's not your fault," He carefully unfolds the paper, careful not to rip it in any spot. "Hopefully the scholars at Lion Rock can look at it and see if it's legitimate. I'll do my best to translate what I can."

"Let me know what you find."

"I will." Hawks said, inspecting the page. The rest of the party was ready to leave again and the barrier that separated Cinders from Ecula wasn't far now. Leo took his rightful spot in the driver's seat and the rest filed in when the engine started up. Fallon hopped into the Viper and closed the door, sitting next to her father and looking back at Fira who had already been making food for everyone as they started moving.

"Fira is a sweet one, isn't she?" She looked at her father whose eyes were on the abandoned road before him. "She always makes sure we're fed. No matter how little food we do have."

"Yes, she is." A fond look appeared on his face as he drove. "She reminds me of you when you were her age. Very caring and hospitable." Leo glanced at his eldest daughter. "She'll be living with us when we settle in a proper place."

"That's very fatherly of you. I wouldn't expect anything less from you." She looked at her father proudly. "So...Venner and I found something out."

"Oh?" Leo looked at his daughter again. "Anything useful, Little Wisp?" He teased. Fallon rolled her eyes and sat up when Fira served them both a cup of Scover Soup which was made of whatever the poor had in their kitchen at the time. Fira had managed to find beans and potatoes for it. Fallon took it thankfully and placed her dad's cup in the holder next to him.

"Thank you, Little Flame." Leo patted her head and she left smiling as she served the others. Fallon took a sip of the broth before setting it aside.

"Venner and I found out that someone infected the Tompers with a virus called Mori Fati."

Leo's face lit up when he heard this and nodded, "That explains a lot." He chuckled. "I'd like to shake the hand of the one who made that happen."

"Tell me about it. Most of the armies besides Desolate for some reason were infected with the virus and that's why we don't see them around."

"Doesn't mean that we won't see them soon. I'd stay prepared anyways."

"Of course."

The Chieftess of the Tomper army of Desolate was making her rounds in the city of Lyosh. She and her team started to make a sweep through all the abandoned areas made off limits to Desolatonians.

"Chieftess! Come quick!" One of her team members called to her and she came running towards the sound of his voice, she met him in a room which must have been a library at one time and looked at the Desolatonian hiding out and clutching a book to his chest. The Chieftess' eyes glowed blue and looked down at the young man,

"Libraries are off limits to Desolatonians. By the way you're cowering, I'm sure you know this." She warned. "What was so important that you had to break the law?" She asked.

The man stayed silent, he already knew his fate and it didn't matter what he said from this point on. He had accepted what was about to come. The Chieftess looked at him impatiently. "You people really are annoying." She crouched down in front of him scanning his face. "Ah, Peter. Your name is Peter."

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