Chapter 2

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I sat in Sonics� parking lot eating a burger and fries. I had a thirty minute break and I planned to take advantage of it all. Seeing Devin today brought back some really old memories that I cherished for a long time. We were tight like hell back in elementary and middle school. The only time we weren�t together is if we were sick or on vacation, shit like that. Unfortunately though, when I was fifteen I moved to Georgia. 

Just seeing him for the first time in a long time made me realize how much changes have taken place in my life. It�s sad to think back on the dreams and goals that you had as an adolescent and as time progressed by you see that you didn�t even come close to meeting any of them. My life has taken so many twists, turns, and spirals until if I had to back track, I wouldn�t even know where to begin from. Just when I was really enjoying my lunch, someone had to decide now to call me. 

�Who is this?� 

�Nigga you ain�t had to tell me yo lil bitch ass got out!� Keisha, my baby mama shouted. 

�Bitch how the fuck you get my number?� 

�Don�t worry about it nigga. Yo best bet is to be worrying bout giving me my money for I have you back in that orange suit� 

�My mama just gave you money the first of the month!� 

�That lil bit of change ain�t did shit! This girl need pampers, wipes and clothes� 

�If you get yo trifling ass up and work then she can have all that. I just got out you know I don�t have no money right now� 

�That don�t have shit to do with me. All I got to say is I better be seeing some paper or the popo�s will be knocking at your door� 

I hung up the phone and threw it down on the passenger seat. Just what I needed to fuck up my day. I disliked my baby mama with a passion and sometimes I wished I never messed with her in the first place. She was ghetto at its best. What was only a one time thing resulted in my baby girl, Ka�Mya. I loved Mya with all my heart and her mama knew it too; that�s why she used me the way she did. Now that I have missed an entire three years with her, I knew it was hell coming. Three long years for serving time for an unjust accusation but one day, sooner than later I hope, I planned to get full custody of my daughter and just go away. I threw the rest of the food away not wanting anymore and went back to work with ten minutes yet to spare. 


�What the hell is your problem!?� I shouted. 

As I was turning the corner to go to Derek�s apartment complex, a Nissan drove out in front of me. If I hadn�t slammed on the breaks when I did, I probably would be heading to the E.R. now. I don�t know who the chick was but she needed to get her license suspended indefinitely. I pulled into the parking lot and went upstairs to Derek�s apartment. 

�Now you wait to show up� he said, standing outside the door. 

�I�m sorry bae, I had to go run an errand for my mama� 

�Everything is always your mama. Is she more important to you than me?� 

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