Chapter 4

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An entire month has now gone by and it really doesn�t feel like it. I guess because I have been spending most of my time with Terrell. He came over for dinner some nights and we really had an enjoyable time, something that hasn�t happen in awhile. Even mama has changed drastically; she really cares for Terrell and treats him just like he was her own child. I felt like I could talk to him for hours and he was cool with it. I have never had a thorough, meaningful conversation with anyone the way I do with him�not even Derek.

Speaking of Derek, we really haven�t been on good terms lately. I call him and he doesn�t answer his phone and doesn�t even try to call back and when I go to his place, he is never home. He actually changed the lock on his door so the key that I did have is now useless. (His excuse was the landlord sent out a notice for everyone in the building to change locks.) We only go out maybe once a week if that and that�s mainly to a ball game or a movie. The only other time is when he wants to fuck and it�s starting to bug the hell out of me, plus the sex hasn�t been the same. Mama keeps telling me that he is cheating and even though I try not to believe what she is saying, sometimes I have to wonder myself. 

�Damn nigga you deaf or something?� Rell asked. 

�Oh no�I just zoned out� 

He didn�t have to work today so he decided to come over and chill with me. Mostly, he was sitting down playing Black Ops on my PS3. I guess I was supposed to keep him busy cause every time I got quiet he started talking shit. 

�So who is Derek?� 



�A friend, why?� 

�I�ve been hearing a lot about this Derek character off and on since I been around� 

�Okay and�?� 

�Why didn�t you tell me you was into niggas man?� 

I nearly fell off the couch in shock. 

�Didn�t felt I was obligated to at the moment� 

�So you�re admitting it?� 

�Yeah, why should I sit here and lie now about who I am?� 

�True. But you could have still told me anyway. You know we have always told each other everything� 

�I know that but some things I just feel uncomfortable with saying because I don�t know how you might react� 

�Likewise�� he said to me, which really made me wonder. 

I got so caught up with Terrell until I forgot that I was going to attempt to spend some time with Derek today. As I was nearing the apartment, I noticed that same Nissan from before but this time it was parked in the lot. I wasted no time parking my car and heading to Derek�s apartment. I knocked on the door once but got no answer. Two more times and still didn�t get an answer but I heard fumbling. Just as I was about to knock again the door opened just enough to make out Derek�s face. He was naked and covered in sweat, with a towel around his waist. 

�Devin�what are you doing here?� 

�I came over so we could talk� 

�Well I�m kinda busy right now, can�t you come back later� 

�Baby come on�whoever it is tell them to come back later�� a feminine voice said. 

I looked at him in disbelief. 

�Who the hell is that?� 

��my uh, my sister. I really got to go I will call you later� he said and slammed the door shut before I could say another word. 

Ain�t that a bitch, I said walking away. I knew something wasn�t right when I spotted that Nissan the first time. Derek was really cheating on me. This explains everything and I was too dumb to see it. I got in my car and headed back home trying my best to fight back the tears. 

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