Chapter 1

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"Lula, Let's go! It's your first day of school! I want to get there early and experience all the magic!" A very enthusiastic Agnes throws open the curtains across the mint green room, so the light hits her granddaughter straight in the face.

"Gran!" Lula cried throwing a pillow over her face.

"Lula? Are you up yet?" The shout came from downstairs.

"I'm up mom!" The reply was just as loud.

"You're welcome!" Agnes said, walking to the door. "She was about to bring the bucket.

Lula sat up straight in bed and quickly scrambled out of it. "Thanks, Gran." The girl quickly rushed to hug her and kiss her on the cheek.

It was no secret that the youngest Webster in the house enjoyed her sleep, often making her late to seize the day... and to appointments... and classes... and to many other events that called for her attention before noon.

"Mom? What's it like outside?" She called, peeking around the door frame and down the stairs where her mother waited.

"Chilly, go for the red jumper we got you last fall before school." She advised. "Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes. We leave in forty-five!" Jeannette retreated to the kitchen, seeing her daughter up and actively moving.

"Got it! Thanks!" Lula quickly showered and dressed. She brushed her hair out of her eyes and rushed downstairs for breakfast. She was forever grateful that her mother and grandmother helped her pack the night before the school term, so she could get as much sleep as possible without worrying about having to pack and be late.

"You've got your wand, Lulu?" Her grandmother asked.

"It's right next to the snow globe. That way she won't forget it." Her mother spoke instead, placing a full course breakfast in front of her. Her mother chose to go with an American breakfast today.

Agnes and Jeanette had both been born in the states before moving to England. Lula's mother found better job opportunities and since her father, Howie, had already passed, Agnes moved with her, refusing to lose her last living relative. It had been her father who wholeheartedly embraced his English upbringing while adjusting to his wife's American one. Lula had a healthy balance between the two different cultures and she could live off of either one. Which was good since most of Hogwart's food was entirely English. Her mom sent her some of her favorite American snacks in care packages once every two months, to share with her roommates and friends... not that half of her roommates talked to her... and she pretty much only had one friend in Slytherin. Her other friends were in different houses, her best friend being in Ravenclaw.

After her breakfast of sausage, bacon, eggs, and waffles. Lula quickly threw on her blue coat and made her way towards the penguin snow globe that sat on the bookshelf in the living room. She carefully picked it up, shaking it with a small smile on her face. Placing a small kiss on the top of it, she set it down and took up her wand shoving it in her pocket.

"Bye Dad! Wish me luck." She told it before turning to her mother and grandmother who had the door open already and were patiently waiting on her. She moved to take the trunk from her mother and loaded it in the boot of the car before sitting in the back and they were off.

"I always love this station." Lula turned to look at Agnes, who stared around in awe.

"Sorry, you can't see the castle in real life, Gran," Lula told her honestly. Her Gran had seen bits of the castle from the photos that Lula took.

She loved photography. she loved the way a photo could capture a moment before it was gone. When she had gotten a camera from Diagon Alley last year. She had made sure to take plenty of photos on her camera, making a deal with her mother to get one roll of film developed a month.  So she continued to take pictures. Of students, ghosts, teachers, creatures... There were so many new things that she didn't know where to start at first, but then she had been walking around the grounds with her friend one Saturday last year and looking out at all the students surrounding the Great Lake had called to her. She took out her camera and captured the moment.

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