Chapter 2

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Herbology, Double Potions, Arithmancy, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. That was her timetable for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Charms, Muggle Studies, Transfiguration, and History of Magic were on Tuesdays and Thursdays with a midnight Astronomy lesson at Midnight on Thursdays.

Lula stared contently at her timetable. There was an even mix of classes she liked: Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms, and History of Magic; on both days to help balance the classes she didn't like: DADA, Astronomy, and Muggle Studies.

Lula prided herself in excelling at all of her classes, even her least favorite. and now at the start of her second year, she'd be able to start the year with an even balance.

Most of the classes she took were with Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, but the Astronomy and potion lessons this year were with Gryffindors. Which made her shudder at the prospect. It hadn't taken long for the house prejudice thing to become apparent to Lula. As a muggle-born Wizard, she had no idea about the bad blood let alone the existence of this school until a year ago.

She didn't personally try to buy into the prejudices, but being a Slytherin called for a lot of negative attention. Especially after slamming those boys' heads into the table. They just happened to be in Gryffindor, although she would have done it to anyone who did that. Not even the lot of Slytherin got that bad. They clapped, even if they sneered every time someone was announced to be a Gryffindor. A lot of people were sure she'd be another dark wizard coming from the house of dark wizards.

In all actuality, she was just a determined person. The Sorting Hat had even said so. It filled her in briefly on the houses and when it came to Slytherin or Ravenclaw, she stuck to Slytherin. All she wanted to do was find out about her powers, how to control them, and go back home without hurting anyone or herself.

Ambitious, Shrewd, Resourceful, Determined, Cunning; although she still had doubts on that last one. She was home-schooled for years and had little interaction with kids her own age. She was socially awkward. Her one friend in her house was her roommate that she stopped others from picking on and talked to her more than others. The start of a lasting friendship.

At least she was able to write her mom home about that and her grandma just wanted the pictures and details on anything magical, so that was easy to appease.

Pushing those thoughts aside, she quickly turned to Daffi, who took her schedule out of her hands and thrust her own in their place.

"We have everything but Astronomy, Transfiguration, and of course potions." Daffi and I sigh at the same time. Snape, who showed obvious favoritism towards the house of Slytherin, had quickly been filed as the two girls' least favorite teacher. However, as he hated both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff houses more, he always had someone else to pick on in their stead. Which always led to outbursts from Lula. Even if it was towards the Gryffindors that so obviously disliked her. Apparently, the twins whose heads she slammed on the table, were VERY well perceived in their house and the other houses as well. All except for Slytherin.

"Maybe it won't be so bad?" Daffi tried again. Both girls glanced sideways at one another before bursting out laughing. As both of the girls were realists, the attempt at optimism fell short, but it did provide a good laugh between the two of them.

"Yeah, ok." Lula finally said. "Let's go with that."

"Alright, that's our story and we're sticking to it. Oh, look! There's Eve!" Daffi and Lula jumped up and rushed to meet the younger girl at her table. They sat down across from her and immediately began the interrogation.

"How was your first night?" Daffi asked.

"Did anyone give you a hard time?" Lula continued. And the two girls took turns asking Eve questions until she shoved a piece of bread in their mouths.

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