Chapter 8

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Lula had no luck finding a single passage and that made her upset. How had the twins even begun to uncover these? She had no clue. She wouldn't dare ask anyone else about them and after hinting to Lee about them, he seem to genuinely consider this, which meant he had no clue either.

She sat at her table at dinner hardly paying mind to Muriel or Isobel as she pondered where else to look.

"Lula, you're rather dull this evening. You've scarce spoke two words together." Isobel said with eyes narrowed with suspicion. She had cut off Muriel who was rather beginning to annoy her.

"Sorry, Isobel." Lula said this of pure politeness. Even if she wasn't sorry in the least. "Lost in thought." She turned to give Isobel a bit more attention. "What about you? You've hardly said much about your day. Just some gossip." She had been listening. Just not weighing in.

"It was well. Nothing special happened. Nothing bad either I suppose. A bit boring." Isobel knew the question was genuine, so she answered genuinely. Lula wasn't completely like her just yet, so the question had no ulterior motive. For a moment she appreciated it, but she didn't let it show.

"Really? Nothing at all?" Muriel asked. "I figured everyday something exciting happened to you." Lula shook her head as Muriel dug her grave.

"And I hope everyday you'd take the hint that I don't want you here. But you never do." Isobel smiled sweetly. Everyone got silent except for Francine, who could no longer hide her smile. She chuckled darkly.

"It took you a while to say anything about her." She goaded.

"I was trying to be nice since she was a friend of Lula's," Isobel sighed. "But seeing how she's been treating her, she doesn't deserve the nicety any more." Isobel's dark look turned to her.

"Wh-What do you mean? Lula and I are still friends!" Muriel tried hard. She shoot Lula a dark look.

"Lula hasn't said anything, but you think it isn't obvious to anyone that you've only been having dinner with her? Because your a social climbing shrew. Francine has told me about how you can't even sit with your so-called 'best friend' anymore. Your type is the kind I can't stand."Isobel's look turned darker and the air around them seemed to grow colder. "You're dismissed." Muriel gaped at her like a fish.


"I said you're dismissed. Don't make this worse for yourself." Muriel shot one last look to Lula before running off. "Don't worry about her for now, Lula. She's just using you. It's good to cut off the trash early."

Lula shook her head. "I just wanted her to apologize."

"Well she likely thinks you need to apologize first and you don't." Isobel shook her head.

"How do you know?"

"I have eyes and ears everywhere. Remember that Lula." Isobel left the statement there. "Don't apologize either. Muriel is in the wrong. Should things get bad, we'll convince Professor Snape to switch your room." She shrugged. She knew how petty people got and she wasn't leaving Lula to deal with that on her own, especially since she hadn't been the one who started the fight or called her out on her behavior.

"Yeah... Thanks Isobel." She meant it too. She felt bad that the scene with Muriel had been made so public. It was a spat between friends and she had hoped to work things out in a more private setting, but her pride wouldn't allow her to approach Muriel first. She also knew how awkward things would be now that Isobel had stepped up for her and cast Muriel to the shadows. The rest of dinner was uneventful. Lula sat and talked with the kids from her house for longer than she thought she would.

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