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Chapter 3: Sing!

I kept tapping my phone on my leg. I'm nervous, they want me to sing... One Direction wants me to sing. I guess that's not all I'm nervous about.... I am sitting next to Niall, and he's staring at me. I can see him from the corner of my eye. Should I ask him for his number? Nah, that'd be kind of rude... He probably thinks I'm a freak... Oh my god I'm freaking out!

"Hey, you have a phone. Do you text?" Niall asks. I turn to look at him.

"Huh?... Oh yeah. You want my number?" I ask surprised.

"Well of course, we can text all the time." He smiles. I hand him my phone and he hands me his. We type in our numbers.

"Thanks." He grins, giving me my phone back and I give him his.

"So... How do you like the world?" I ask trying to make conversation... Why did I just ask him that?

"Oh, it's amazin' seein' all the different cultures and so many people. It's crazy, but I love it."

"You're so lucky." He looks at me with questioned eye's... Oh god I shouldn't have said that.

"What do you mean?"

"Um... Well, to tell you the truth.... I've always wanted to be a famous pop singer. Justin and I would sing all the time when we were kids. At one point he got noticed and signed to a record label... He never really wanted, or thought of being famous... But he did."

"Then why didn't you say so?"

"....Well, it's because... I just don't think I'm good enough...And well it's not just something you announce randomly."

"I doubt you're not good enough, and well, we were on the topic.... When we get to the studio, I'll play guitar, so you don't get shy. Liam will sing with you.... That okay?"

"Yeah, that's cool. What song are we doing?" He opens his phone and starts looking through his music.

"Ah, here's a good one... Do you know the song 'We Are Young' by Fun.?"

"Oh ya, I love that song." I smile.

"Cool, I'll play it." Zayn turns around from his seat.

"We are here! Vaz happenin'?" I laugh and open the door. I wait for them to get out and we start walking. Niall and Louis walk next to me while Zayn is behind me. We open the door's to the studio and we enter. This whole place looks extremely expensive. Almost all the walls to the entrance are all windows. We're greeted by the front desk as we make our way to one of the hallways. This hallway is a very long one. We pass by the bathroom's, the lounge, and then we got to another door. It reads: Studio A. Louis opens the door. We all go inside. There are so many buttons... So much equipment is in this room. We make our way to the side of the room, where there's a couch. Niall grabs his guitar. He sits down and starts to strum. Whatever he's playing, is a really nice tune.

"Well that's pretty... What song is that? I might wanna add it to my iPod." Niall looks up at me.

"It's not a song.... Yet."


"Yep..." He keeps playing it. That's when I start forming lyrics in my head.... I start mumbling the words.

"When I first met you, my heart just stopped... When you said my name, it's like I got caught.... I used to be falling down, falling down, falling down...." I stop and bite my lip.

"Aw Vic, is that about little Nialler here?" I hear Zayn say.

"Dude!" Niall and Louis yell at him.


"You don't say that...." Louis says. Niall had stopped playing and the room is very quiet. Louis just stares at me. Niall looks at Zayn, so I decide to stare at Niall... But I look at Louis instead.... Looked like he was trying to read my mind... Scary.

It's silent for a while. Until I hear the other boy's come in. Everyone stops staring at each other.

"Get ready to sing love." Harry says.

"Hey Vic, you ready?" Liam looks at me.

"Uh... Yes, I am." We walk to the soundproof room, where I'll be singing. There are mic's on the stands and there are headphone's. Niall takes a stool and places it next to me, sitting down. I smile at him and he winks.

"You guy's ready? Put on your headphones." Justin instructs to us... Well mainly me.

"Okay so Vic... You'll hear Niall play in your headphones." He smiles.

"Okay, I'm ready."

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