Meetings part 2

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(A/N- I just want to make it known that In part 1 the reader is 17 and both of your friends are 16, so dan was also 17)

I was at my mother's house, looking through all my old shit and stuff when I was a kid for spring cleaning.
"Aw, honey you remember this?" My mom pulled out an old notebook out of a cardboard box, which she tossed to me. I opened it and was immediately hit with a lot of nostalgia.
A ton of doodles. I look at the back of the front page.
My eyes lit up at the thought of that year. The trip.
I immediately flipped through the pages at lightning speed until I found it. A glued in piece of paper.
-Danny Avidan
"Holy shit." I mumbled.
What would happen if I called this number now? Surely it would have changed. I wonder what he's doing now.
As embarrassing as it was, I had a need to call this number now.
I excused myself outside and dialed the number, my hand slightly shaky.
The tone rang, so it wasn't out of service. Suddenly, I hear someone answer.
It was a man's voice. But he.. had an accent..Mr. Avidan?
"Hello? Is this Mr. Avidan?"
"If this is one of those...ehh..salespeople...I'm not interested."
"No! No, this is..uh.. it's Y/N. Y/N L/N? Do you remember me? Danny's Friend?"
There was a short silence.
"Ooooh..Yes!! I remember you how are you?"
"I'm very good Mr. Avidan. Is there a way I could speak to Danny? Do you have his number?"
"Danny moved to California..ehh.. I could..ehh.. give you his number. One moment."
I heard shuffling on the other side of the line. Then he comes back.
"Dan will be very happy to hear from you."
Dan? He went by Dan?
He gives me his number and we exchange short conversation.
"Thank you so much, Mr. Avidan."
"No, you can call me Avi. That is my first name." He said cheerfully.
"Of course, it was nice talking to you, goodbye Avi."
And that was that.
I had Dan's phone number.
I immediately called that one next.
The phone rings a little bit, all the while my heart is beating so fast. It reminds me of when I first met him.
"Hello?" I hear from the line.
"Hi, uh.. I don't know if you remember me..but it's Y/'s me.."
There's a bit of silence from the line before I hear quietly,

"..Y/N? ...Is that really you?"

"Yeah, it's me."

"....Holy shit.." he whispers.

"Y/N, where have you been" he asks, and I can practically hear his smile.
"I've been in California this whole time, where are you?"
"I live in California too now for work...holy shit.. we have to meet up!Where in California do you live?"
"Near Anaheim, how about you?"
"You're fucking with me, so do I!"
"Oh my god," I laughed.
"Here I'll give you an address,  it's a little park. When do you think you can meet?" He asks.
"I'm literally ready whenever you are."
"Ok cool! Maybe In a couple hours? I'm sorry if that's too soon but I have to see you again."
"No, yeah totally I'll see you then."
"Y/N.." he says
"Can't wait to see you. Really."
—-couple o' hours later—-
I drive to the little park and it actually is really pretty. I decided to wear what I always wore, jeans that show off my curves and a fitting Van Halen T- shirt. I had a leather jacket and I was ready to go. I walked into the park and sat down at a bench. I checked my phone to see a text from Dan saying that he'd be there in a second. I get up and pace around while also enjoying the warm LA air. I look around until I feel a tap on my shoulder. The whole world was in slow motion as my eyes landed on Dan.
Oh..oh my..holy shit holy fuck he was..gorgeous..
His now long, curly hair flowed down to his shoulders and he was tall as fuck.
"Holy shit. Y/N." His eyes filled with happiness as he took all of me in.
"I should say the same thing about you. Look at you! Damn!" I laughed.
He looked down and actually blushed while laughing.
He hasn't changed at all.
"You look..great." He said, astounded.
Even after all of these years..I thought I had forgotten how much I had fallen in love with him. I think he feels the same way..
"Hey let's go to this little cafe I know, we can walk there cause it's not far." He suggested in which I agreed.
While we were walking, Dan looked straight ahead but breathes deeply and began,
"You know, I never forgot about you. When we stopped talking I figured it was something I'd done. But I never got over you. I guess.." he trailed off his sentence.
I guess I still haven't.
"Dan..I'm really sorry. For not calling.  And for what it's worth..I never got over you. I never got another boyfriend for years because I believed..."
I believed you were the one for me.
"I didn't get another girlfriend for a long time." He laughed sheepishly.
We both laughed at the memories we shared.
When we got to the café, we continued to talk about our lives.
"Wait. What is your band called?" I laughed into my hand.
"Ninja. Sex. Party." He said proudly.
He continued to show me a couple songs.
"I love it, oh my fuck." I giggled.
He laughed too. I told him how I was the CEO of a company and a impresses expression crossed his handsome face.
He told me how he played video games for a living with his friends.
"Aw man. Lucky," I commented.
I made him laugh again for the first time in around 20 years. It was a feeling I never wanted to forget again.
"Are you still friends with those two girls? And...are you..with anyone."
This took me slightly off guard.
"Avery and Ramona? Oh yeah, totally. But no.. I'm single right now . How...about you?"
"No I'm not..currently seeing anyone." To cut the tension I thought quick, I looked at his hair and smiled big.
"Dan, I love your hair, goddamn." I said, reaching across and letting my fingers glide across his brown curls. Dan's eyes closed as I felt his hair, but when I finished I looked at dan to realize he'd been staring at me.
"Y/N..I'm sorry but I have to say it. You look so goddamn beautiful. You look more beautiful than that day I ran into you. And by the way, I totally did it on purpose because the only way I knew a girl as beautiful as you would ever notice me was if I swerved and knocked you over. I'm so sorry about that by the way. And this."
My mouth was agape the entire time, every thing he said resonated and filled my heart. He was exactly like the boy I met so many years ago. And I still loved him.
Wait..and wh-
Dan sat up and kissed me across the table. However, this wasn't a teenage crush kiss. His soft lips collided with mine and I swear fireworks went off.
When he let go he saw I had a huge blush on my face.
"Oh god. Y/N, I should have waited to do that. At least let me take you on a proper date."
"Dan. I wouldn't want anything less." I smiled, In which he replicated.
—-3 years later—
Dan and I had officially been married for a year or so. Every day my heart grew more for him. He was the only person for me and he made it very clear he felt the same. I found out that he'd actually told our story on Game Grumps.
"Babe, what do you think?"
I guess I'd been spaced out. I was sitting on the couch of my apartment while dan walked around behind me.
"Brian and I decided that we'd all the new song Orgy For One."
I laughed quietly for a second.
"Sounds fucking amazing babe."
"Great." He smiled before  leaning over the couch and kissing me deeply. He decided to walk back around before kissing me again, hovering over me. Taking me into his arms,
He whispered before kissing my forehead,
"I'm so fucking glad that after all those years we found each other again. I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Dan. With all of my soul."

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