Fuck you

450 18 8

You there?
Yeah sorry wasn't expecting a message from you
Why not?
Well it's been a week, I guessed you were bored
No, just busy
I'm always fucking busy
Is everything okay
Yeah, I'm just tired
Needed someone to talk to
So you choose an internet stranger
I guess, your more than that
It's weird
I don't know you, I don't know your name or where you live, I hardly even know who you are
So I shouldn't really be using all my dater to talk to you, I can't help it
That's kind of cute hah
I feel stupid now
Don't, I like talking to you
Maybe even enough to tell you my name
I don't even care anymore, you've become the boy with no name
So what, a name wouldn't change how you feel now
Why would it?
Yes or no
Would it change how you feel now
Promise me
I promise! Why would it change how I feel?
I guess my name is the worst part of me
Why, just tell me
I don't understand
Why is that so bad
Marcus chapman
Your lying
Please don't freak out
I can explain
Holy shit
Please Katy I trusted you
Are you fucking crazy!
You killed all those people, you think this is okay
It wasn't like that
You don't understand
You promised
Fuck you

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