Eleven not seven

392 20 2

I want to know
Why did you do it
You think I'll just tell you?
Well I know your watching me
Tell me why
Because I can't sleep
I can't eat, I can't stop thinking about it
What, the people I killed
No you seemed so normal
I liked you
I can't stop thinking about the fact I actually liked you
It's funny how a name can change so much
You should get some sleep, your looking thin
Where are you?
Go to the window
You see the building with the flat roof
On the roof
Tell me why you did it
The reason for each person
I need to hate you or understand you, I'm stuck in this weird limbo
Why haven't you called the cops yet?
I don't know
Stop stalling, talk
I've killed 11 people not 7
The cops missed 4?
Two of them abused me when I was a kid, they were my first. They adopted me just to destroy my whole childhood, I shot them both in the head. When I was 18 I didn't care for the blood much. I just wanted the bastards dead before they did it again.
I'm sorry, that is horrible but wouldn't you rather them suffer in prison?
No, fuck prison. I wanted them dead
I was happy for a while
Then I met a girl her name was Sarah she was my first love. Honestly I would have done anything for her. She cheated on me. She knew about my adoptive parents she had to die. It wasn't too hard for me to snap her neck.
The whore wasn't even buried, I chucked her in a few bin bags and into the dumpster.
You still with me?
I don't know what to say
Don't say anything
Next was my favourite it was one I thought about for a while
My sister was in a car crash three years ago, paralysed from the neck down.
The guy who did it left her to die, he was drunk driving.
I broke into his house poured gasoline around his bed and set it alight with a flaming bottle vodka.
I watched him burn until I couldn't stand the smell any longer
That's disgusting
He ruined her life
She can't have kids
She can't walk
She can't even feed herself
I'm sorry
I can't listen to anymore
It's too real knowing you could do that to me
I wouldn't though
I'd never hurt you

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