Chapter 2

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Patrick's P.O.V

I arrived at the school that I went to for a year and was going to make it 2, St. Lilians Academy. I was absolutely confident that this was going to be a good year for me.

I walked in along with the sea of children only to meet up with my two best friends Cecelia Coleman and Elizabeth Camsen, but I just call them Cece and Lizzy.

" Yo bitches!!! " I said as I sat down on the table that's basically ours

" Hey Patty " chirped Cece, cheerfully

" wadupp Patrica " mumbled Lizzy in a monotone voice while staring at her black-cased phone

Lizzy always calls me that because I always wear girly cloths or act sassy so she just simply calls me Patrica. I actually like the name a lot. If I was a girl, I would be called that name.

More of our friends started to come to our table to point the teacher on duty had to separate us because the group was to big. We just sat at our table making small talk to each other. Then came up the subject that we all fucking hate.


" wait, everybody shut up. it's time for crush talk, " Cece said in a sing-song voice in the second sentence.

" No, no, no Cece we are not doing this again, every time we move up a year you do this. You ask us who our crush was from last year then you invite us over to your house to play fucking 7 minutes in heaven!!! Fuck to the no I'm getting the hell outta here! " And with that, Lizzy scrambled out of her seat and went to join a new group.

Well, Lizzy did have a point. Me, Lizzy and Cece went to the same school together along with a lot more of our friends and she did this in year 7 where she gathered up all of our friends from year 6 then she asked us that same question of who we have our eyes on on the boys or girls that came to this school from our Primary school or people that we had met so far. She then invited us all over then played 7 minutes in heaven just picking people to go in her walk in closet and make out instead of spinning a bottle. Well babes, that's Cecelia Coleman for ya.

Then the all glorious sound came

The whistle

We walked in to our form classes and and took a seat. Unfortunately, only me and Cece were in the same form class so Lizzy bid her goodbye to us and went to her form.

For our form, we have Miss Fox, a science teacher. She has short brown hair smooth, white skin with big, brown soft eyes to go with it and round glasses to make her eyes even more softer. She has this serious yet cheerful personality and everyone likes her.

" Ok class settle down now. " she said while lowering both her hands down eventually bringing them down to her side

" Ok year 8 welcome to the new school year and we also want to welcome a new student, Geo, " she stated, moving out of the way to reveal a cream skinned boy, with black curls, like mine and ocean blue eyes that matched his small lips and perfectly shaped jaw line and rounded nose. He was wearing everything black. Including his bag but he had rose gold zips on it ( outfit in picture above ^^ )

" Ok Mr Macauley ( Mac-aw-lee ) you can u sit... " She paused looking around the classroom for empty seats.

" next to me? " The most stuck up bitch, Talia shouted out.

Ugh. I just hate her voice. She is practically above me in the ' popular chain '. She is the queen of the year 8's and I'm the princess. Although I have many friends, she has a few more than me and her two pets, Sineade and Zara practically follow her around like, well...her pets. We have hated each other  since we met each other in year 7. She has always been jealous of me for God knows what for.

" Next to Patrick. " Miss Fox said with a slight smirk on her face while she was looking at me.


Thanks for reading. I really appreciate it!!!!

Tata weaders❤️

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