Cross My Heart And Hope For Life// Ch 32

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Y/n sits by my side with her little baby bump in the hospital, holding my hand as I lay in the hospital bed, the bullet lays on the table beside me. The one that almost killed me.

"Ryan why didn't you warn me? You know I am fully capable of protecting myself." Y/n sighs and kisses the top of my hand.

She stands up and starts pacing the room, her hands running through her hair, stressed out.

"What you did was so fucking stupid Ryan. You got shot in the fucking shoulder and now you're in the hospital right after our wedding day." she rants

"I know, what I did was wrong, but it was just to keep you safe, hating me isn't going to do you any good." I say 

She comes over to me and grabs me by face

"Ryan Ross I do not and will never hate you, I just hate what you did." she says and smashes her lips onto mine, kissing my faded, chapped lips with her soft cherry ones. 

I sink my hands into her hair and melt into the kiss, my heart aching at her beautiful heart and soul.


Me and Y/n separate 

"Good afternoon doll" I say

"Fuck off" Dan says 

I chuckle 

"Here is some aspirin and water, Dan. The nurse also left a snack for you." Y/n says

"Does the snack happen to be named Y/n? Because damn girl you're looking like a snack." Dan Says

I swing my legs over the bed and start to get up before Y/n comes  over to me and stops me. 

"You're literally hitting on my wife, you douche bag" I say to him and smile, grabbing Y/n so shes sitting on my lap and I smile

"I like how that sounds, I love calling you my wife" I say softly in her ear and she smiles 


Me and Y/n are cuddling when the doctor and nurse come in, with papers on their little clipboards, trying to look professional.

"You should be dead Ross." Doctor I don't know their name says

I smile

"Good evening to you as well" I say

The doctor smiles

"It's miraculous really. Any memory loss or pains other than your chest?" The nurse asks

"My heart hurts because you put me in the same room as this dick" I say, pointing to Dan Keyes

Y/n giggles and I kiss her forehead

The doctor sighs and rolls his eyes

"Other than that, Mr. Ross." He says

"Nope, my chest doesn't even hurt now. Hey doc when can I get out of here." I say

"Tomorrow morning." He says

We nod as a goodbye then they leave

Y/n gets up and pulls the curtain between me and Dan all the way out blocking him from our vision and then smiles at me. I smirk. Y/n comes over to me and gets on top of me, on all fours, her lips grazing mine. I put my cold hands under her shirt and she gasps lightly.

 "Scandalous." I say before we start making out in my hospital bed, the bed squeaking every time she grinds against my crotch.

"Can you guys not fuck each other while i'm on the other side of the curtain please and thanks." Dan says

"Fuck off" I say after making a hickey on Y/n's neck

I've got more wit.../// Ryan Ross x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now