Finding My Eternity Ch. 4

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Stiles POV (six weeks later)

Practicing always came hard for me but now it was even worst because all the stuff I had going on in my life. First school was starting back up which meant my second year of advanced science and physics, my dad was steadily getting closer to Scott's mom which I understood, we were moving to a new house soon and lastly the guys kept bringing up what happened in good ole Utah. Don't get me wrong I was happy to be back home and all bit I kinda kept dreaming about Derek Hale and what would have happened if I had completed the dare. Where was I oh yeah I decided to try and focus harder by popping another one of my pills and getting back into my werewolf ascension practice with Danny and Jackson. I can't believe now that were all twenty one we'll be ascending to our full powers in the span of the next full moon. I'm so excited to be able to see my wolf fully and talk to him or her without just having to push myself to control my powers and block my scent from everyone outside of our pack.

So after three more hours of practice we all met up with the rest of the group and went to the bowling alley as per our normal pattern to wind down and think about the upcoming weekend. We were all pretty relaxed and having a great time playing and just enjoying the remaining time we had before classes started again when suddenly the conversation changed to Derek hale once again. As usual I stopped talking when they asked me did I still not remember much about the second part of my birthday celebration; to which I answered with not really all recall is little flashes here and there about us laughing and kinda a guys face. The truth was two weeks after we returned everything from that night returned with such a force I was doubled over in my floor with all the memories returning. instead of telling them yeah you guessed it I lied and got up to go get a snack while they continued to bowl and started talking about our trip for after the ritual to complete our transformations of ascension. thanks to our family veterinarian we were all pretty informed about what all happened to us nine years ago while we were camping with our school.

(Flashback 9 years ago)

Our middle school class was going on a four day three night sleep away trip in the mountains and we were excited for the chance to go on a trip without our parents for once. I was kinda freaking out because it was the first time I was gonna be away from my dad since my mom died so Allison and Lydia agreed to share a tent with me while Danny and Scott argued about which one of them got to room with me. We all decided to ask our parents for a six person tent and had the school approve it to solve the arguments. Two hours and four restroom stops later the three buses finally stopped at the campsites and we couldn't get off those buses fast enough. After the usual head count attendance was taken we all headed for the lake, little did we know that would change our lives forever. We all got changed into our swimwear and headed toward the dock on the lake to start a cannon ball contest with all three grades of middle schoolers with the chaperones as judges so it would be fair.

Some time after everyone got tired from swimming everyone gathered back up by the tents for lunch. Everyone was happy that we were all finally here and were roasting marshmallows for s'mores and eating trail mixes of mixed nuts with strawberry when the teachers and chaperones said it was time for showers and lights out. As the guys and I were headed back from showering we all beards noises sounding like wolves or something which had us high tailing it back to the tents. The girls returned to the tents shortly after us also out of breathe from running and when we asked it they heard the sounds too they shook their heads saying yeah. Stupid Scott and Jackson after finally being able to talk suggested we go outside the tent to see if it really were wolves we heard and everybody else in the tent said no but of course they convinced us nothing would happen if we carried lit torches. once everyone had a torch we started walking in the woods listening intently for any wolf sounds when suddenly we heard rustling coming several bushes several yards in front of us followed by multiple howls and glowing eyes.

Instead of running we were all frozen with fear in place and clutched our torches tighter breathing heavily. Allison look at Lydia who look at Danny who looked at me while we all turned to look at Scott and Jackson and simultaneously told them we hate them because they just got us all killed by wolves. The noises started getting closer and closer to us and at once we all took off forgetting the torches and starting running as fast as we could hearing paws hit the ground behind us. We were almost to camp when about ten wolves stepped in front of us with huge fangs and even bigger frames making them the biggest wolves we'd ever seen and they lunged at us biting us in several places except our heads or necks. Later we woke up back home in the hospital being told it was a big miracle we all survived the attack, and once we were checked out again they left everyone with their parents or parent in mine and Scott's place parent who asked us what happened and why we weren't in our tent. We all asked if we could be moved to one room so we were all together because something inside told us togetherness was best at the moment and told our parents what we remembered.

Apparently being in the same room together worked for us because within a week we were all better and being discharged with the order to be in one of our basement's because we were grounded again. One month later we all started noticing things being different with us and when the doctors said we were okay they let us go back home. We slowly fell back into our old lives until the full moon which changed us six forever and life would never be normal for us again. Danny, Scott and Allison started being able to sense where we were at all times and if we were in trouble along with our feelings, Jackson and myself started noticing we could see auras of those around us along with super speed and hearing and Lydia being the smartest learned that she was a banshee and that the rest of our group were werewolves that could not shift fully yet. We kept our secrets between the group until our sixteenth and seventeenth birthdays and Scott started working for a really nice guy named Deaton at the vet's. After several months working there he started to notice the changes in Scott and asked him one day after work was he alright and had anything strange happened to him recently.

Scott later told us what happened and that he didn't know how to answer his boss so he had run out of the building to find us and talk about what to do next. We were all curious to why he had asked Scott those questions and decided as a group to find out those answers by asking the doctor why he seemed so interested in us. The doctor quickly explained to us what he really was, what we were and how our changes would start showing up. He told us that he was a emissary which was like a caretaker to all those supernatural alike who specialized in veterinarian as a cover as well as loving animals. We told him when we got attacked by the wolves and all that we had learned over the years about our powers, our pull to each other, how we always felt safer and stronger whenever we were all together and how we hadn't told our parents or anyone else other than him. He gratefully agreed to help mentor us and help us control our abilities as well as be able to sense other supernatural beings along with concealing our scents as not being fully human in case a threat showed up unbeknownst to us all.

( End Flashback )

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