Finding My Eternity Ch.16

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Haleans' (HaLe Pack)POV

Cora's POV

Are you serious right now, he's already having another dream this Stiles guy who only he and Isaac really know about. All his dreams lately have been about this guy who I can tell makes him happy and giddy as a teenage girl, and I'm happy as hell about that but this girl needs her beauty sleep and all this moaning and screaming is not helping not one lick I tell you. I'm about to go nuts about it before my loving boyfriend comes into my room and says "it'll be over in only two hours" which only makes me moan in annoyance. He produces a pair of ear buds and his iPod before having me scoot over so he can cuddle with me while handing me one pair of ear buds and turns on his music to drown out Derek. Man do I ever love this man laying beside me and cherish my decision to return home after our family's incident; best darn decision I ever made to have such a caring person love and care for me. As I snuggle more into his warmth I feel unconsciously start running his hands through my hair slowly relaxing me enough so that sleep claims me pleasantly.

Boyd's POV

As I Cora slowly falls to sleep I start singing to her to make her sleep undisturbed by her brother's loud moans with still combing my fingers through her hair. If anyone knows how Derek is feeling right now having strong feelings toward someone whom you don't know if they feel the same it's me. Remembering when this angel in my arms first returned home at first all I saw her as was my best friend's little sister, until one night some guy was hitting on her in a club and the next thing I knew if had the guy's arm twisted to the point it broke and I had Cora over my shoulder carrying out if the club. It had taken me two months to apologize to her and explain why I did that which in turn had me thinking what had possessed me to do that and once I did I told her the truth. She had looked at me different after that and wouldn't talk to me which had me going slowly insane thinking I had lost my chance with her, until one night I had been sitting outside by a lake when she approached me. I went to speak but she held up her hand to stop me before kissing me deeply and saying she feels the same way and I've been happy ever since with my angel of the night. I kissed her head as I felt sleep's pull on me getting stronger before I murmured I Love You My Angel and even her sleep she responded with "I Love You Too My Knight" and I smiled falling asleep holding her tight.

Isaac's PoV

I heard the moans again coming from Derek's room telling me he was either dreaming about Stiles again or having a very cold shower to stop his thoughts about him. I could tell after sniffing the air that others were just as embarrassed as me and annoyed by hearing him still even after we all moved to the bottom floor away from him. I was very thankful now that Boyd had suddenly changed the plans of the compound to now have all the rooms installed with sound proof walls because now I understood why. Damn Derek sounded like a starving animal finally catching his prey after many days with the way and volume at which he was screaming and moaning in pure everlasting ecstasy. I only hope he gets together with Stiles soon so maybe we all could get a good night's sleep in complete silence beside the wildlife outside the house. As I thought this I turned back to my book and started back reading while sitting by the fire in the den enjoying my mystery novel ignoring the sounds around me once again.

Aiden's POV

You have got to be kidding me, not again with the soft porn show audio like really somebody needs to talk to Derek about this. I whip out my phone and start texting random people to focus on anything else other than the scarring screams of Derek. Ugh this is seriously getting ridiculous I think before a wicked idea comes to my mind and I laugh evilly thinking if he can disturb my sleep then I'm allowed to embarrass him. I know I am gonna have some kind retaliation brought onto me after I carry out my plan but oh is it going to be so worth it and anyway I'm a fast runner so maybe I'll escape the wrath of Derek. texting my friends gets boring after a while so I just start texting a random number I thought of and wait for the lucky recipient to reply to me. I look back down at my phone waiting for a reply without knowing the stranger on the other end would change my life forever and that I would like it.

Kiera's POV

I had just returned from a run in the woods when I pass by the den and see Isaac is there and I decide not to interrupt my cousin and head for the kitchen for a bite. Once I reach the kitchen I pull out some leftover chicken and start my way back upstairs after I heat it up only to hear what sounds like moans of passion. Not wanting to lose my appetite I suddenly turn back around heading outside to the jacuzzi instead of upstairs to gross central. As I sit down I look up at the sky to see millions of stars in the crystal clear sky and start eating my snack gazing at their beauty. When I finish my snack I head upstairs for a shower after I drop my dishes in the sink ignoring the noises this time opting to think what all we still have to do later today when we get up. After my shower and still hearing the sounds I grab my iPad and put my ear buds in and start watching Blood and Chocolate until I fall asleep.

Ethan's POV

Although I'm annoyed right now about the racket coming from Derek's room three whole two whole floors above me I can't be too bothered because I'm smiling too big chatting with my pen pal. This guy makes me feel like a little boy again but in a good way helping me get over my inability to show others aside from my brothers how I am feeling and worry about them judging me. I hope one day soon we can meet each other outside of cyber space because he seems like a guy I would enjoy being around. Even while chatting either on the internet or over the phone I feel this pull to him and it makes me happy every time I feel it and wonder how he feels about me. We discussed if we are dating right now after months of talking to each other and we came to the conclusion we are talking but not dating until we meet each other and see if we feel the same then. Even though I want to go through the phone right now and kiss the shit out of him a yawn escapes telling me he is tired so reluctantly I tell him to go to bed saying good night and sweet dreams of me laughing.

Derek's POV

Once again I fell asleep and immediately started dreaming about me and Stiles deep in the throes of passion with him doing sinful things to me with his tongue. Man oh man that tongue is gonna be the depth of me I thought as he continued having his wicked way with me as I watched with lust filled eyes. Even knowing everything about the supernatural could never prepare anyone for the sensations this man was bringing out in me and his tricks could bring anyone to their knees easily. Loving this man came as easily as breathing for me but I knew if anyone ever touched him they would suffer a tedious slow and very painful death immediately after. OMG right there baby that feels amazing you feel and taste amazing I screamed as he continued to work my cock as I licked and tasted his sinfully sexy body. I entered him just as slowly as if it were our first time enjoying the warming sensation that he sent through me as I hit his prostate painfully slow yet hard guaranteeing he felt nothing but pleasure and my love.

All I could think about was I praise the moon god and goddess for blessing me with this pure soul before me and making him my other half. His body and soul combined to create a soul of love that knew no bounds and I would enjoy very second for years to come of deserving his love. Only someone as pure as he is could bring me back to feeling complete happiness that knows no bounds as my younger self did before most of my family were ripped away from me forever. He could always make me laugh nowadays it seemed even in a dream I'm still praising him as I gaze at his angelic body before lowering myself toward him claiming his lips in a toe curling kiss while still thrusting into I'm hard yet careful enough not to hurt him. His screams were a perfect melody in my head that reached my heart almost to the point of it bursting right out of my chest knowing I'm the reason and the only one who will ever have this experience with him as mine and I his. Being able to experience this feeling in a dream makes me anxious for the day it will happen in real life and I wonder will he feel the same way after I hang out with him and his friends in a day and a half.

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