Finding My Eternity Ch. 24

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Derek's POV

How in the world did the best night of my life turn into the worst morning of my life, oh yeah that's right the guy I am pretty sure I love left me after we had sex without so much as a note. I never thought Stiles would be one of those hit it and leave them before morning light type of person but now I'm wondering do I really know him. Did he leave because he got freaked out or was it something I did all these thoughts and doubts kept running through my head for the past week without a single text from Stiles. The pack were worrying about me saying I was moping around like someone had stole the last donut when in fact I felt like someone had viciously ripped out my heart. As I got back into work and stopped thinking so much about a certain guy I just so happened to get a text from said guy saying he needed to talk to me about something important while also apologizing for leaving that morning. I ignored his texts and refocused on the spreadsheets on my desk and worked continuously without a break for the next seven hours clearing my mind of the feelings of betrayal and guilt for ignoring his text. Sometimes being an adoption attorney has it's advantages since we have so many cases I didn't have a chance to let my mind ponder useless topics or glaring best friends.

I had told Isaac about Stiles finally texting me but I refused to answer or even acknowledge the message because I thought he was different but now I believed not. He listened to me until I finished before he hit upside the head telling me I was being childish in my behavior and that I should really give Stiles the chance to explain what happened. When his tactics didn't make me listen he returned to his desk while glaring at me the whole time and shaking his head in disappointment. Apparently I had been so down in my self pity party that I had even failed to notice my little sister's small protruding stomach as she announced that she almost two months pregnant with twins. Although I was happy for her and Boyd I was a little jealous thinking I would never have that unless I adopted but without a special someone that even seemed redundant now. Shaking myself away from the traitorous thoughts I left the office after I checked out and went to the gun range to relieve my pent up stress before I explode on someone that didn't deserve it.

I had just reloaded another clip into my gun when my phone vibrated for the twentieth time with a message from Stiles yet again saying "we really needed to talk "and I replied "no we don't" as I emptied my clip into the target. After I started breathing better I glanced at my phone again but thankfully this time there wasn't a reply message so I started to relax as I loaded my final clip into the gun for the day and just focused on my shooting hitting the bull's eye every time. As I left the gun range in a better mood than the one I was in when I arrived I loaded my guns into the back of my truck and decided to surprise my baby sister with an early baby gift heading toward Baby Haven. On my way to the store I realized I didn't really know what all a baby needed so I called my other best friend whom happened to be my big sister Laura and asked her to tag along with me which she happily agreed. we arrived at the store surprisingly at the same time but what amazed me more was that Isaac was with her and they got out her truck holding hands as they walked toward me like nothing was wrong with this picture so I just shrugged it off and headed into the store along side them. Once inside the massive store I quickly noticed all the aisles of baby necessities and felt lucky I had invited Laura because she seemed to know exactly what to get as she led me and Isaac through aisle after aisle telling us what Cora would need now and in the end we ended up with two beautifully crafted red oak baby cribs, a twin stroller and some baby clothes in multiple colors to start them off with.

Isaac's POV

I knew Derek was going to freak out when he saw me and Laura together today seeing as he didn't know we were friends let alone something more, but luckily he seemed to just shake it off and we actually accomplished a lot shopping for Cora's babies. as we were standing at the checkout counter I noticed this great outfit that said Home is anywhere Mommy and Daddy are " with a baby on the front and an air bubble by him with the saying in it and I just had to get it for the twins in purple and brown for either a boy or girl laughing when Laura whispered "pushover in my ear. I just shook my head as I handed the outfits over to the checkout girl and grabbed Laura's hand kissing it looking at her in the eyes seeing years forming at my thoughtfulness toward her sister's kids. I noticed Derek still starring at us as I kissed her cheek wiping away the tears and I just knew he was going to ask me about what was going on between the two of us. Once we had paid for everything and headed toward the trucks to put the gifts in them I was proven right when Derek pulled me aside after we had loaded the cribs and simply said "explain" with a fierce look on his face. taking a deep breath I called Laura over because this was both of our news to tell him and I didn't and wouldn't keep anything fromLaura no matter what the situation plus I was kinda scared o was going to lose my best friend once I told him what was going on.

Once Laura had reached my side I took her hand in mine and looked at Derek before saying "Laura and I are in love and have been dating for the past three years before we got married on the beach six months ago, I'm sorry bro I didn't tell you or anyone else about us dating or getting married." He just started at us for a really long time before I was suddenly on the ground with a busted lip and Derek and Laura were arguing over us keeping our relationship a secret let alone getting married behind everyone's backs. I slowly got up wiping the blood off my mouth as the wound healed and grabbed Laura as I saw she was about to launch at Derek when he called me a nasty name for dating and marrying his sister without his consent saying "I was no friend of his to do that." Once I had Laura calmed down I asked her to wait in the truck for me while I talked to Derek telling her I was alright and I would tell her what happened later when we got home and she agreed after examining my lip as she called it by kissing me thoroughly. I escorted her back to the passenger side of the truck and kissed her again before closing the door and returning to where Derek stood still fuming about the situation looking at me with hate as I began explaining it from our point. I asked him to see it from our side of the story explaining how we fell in love after I graduated from college and we had Aubrey Faith the year before we got married and we were going to tell everyone when we found out Laura was pregnant about our relationship when suddenly their parents died and everything changed for us.

I told him how Laura had went into a deep depression shortly after the accident had happened and I thought I was going to lose my family from how bad everything had gotten at that point, but I had to be there for my daughter and girlfriend who needed me and I was and still am. I apologized for never telling him I was his niece's dad for so long and that we were getting married but it truly had slipped my mind with everything that was going on at both work and at home. I asked him could he ever forgive me and accept me as both his brother-in-law and his best friend if he still considered me as such after our deceit before telling him my family always came first and will forever come first in my life regardless of his answer. he still glared at me before stepping toward me and I took the defensive thinking he was going to hit me again when he suddenly grabbed me in our bro hug manner and said "yeah man I forgive and accept you into my family just next time tell me these things and always protect my sister and niece." I hugged him back sighing in relief that I still had my best friend and that he forgave and accepted me before I heard someone saying "awe isn't that sweet but where is my love I'm your sister here aren't I forgiven" and I laughed looking over at Laura as she looked at us with a fake hurt look on her face. I released Derek and he starred at her with a mock glare before his face broke out in a smile and he went and hugged her picking her up off her feet as he was spinning her around before he sat her down saying "she better be lucky she's the mother of his favorite niece" as I hugged her from behind.

He smiled at us and said "you guys look good together and I gotta say you sure make one heck of a cute kid" and we all broke out laughing agreeing one hundred percent with his deduction. I remembered that we had taken off our wedding rings earlier today when we were messing around at home so I reached into my pocket and pulled out our rings and lifted up Laura's hand placing her ring back on her finger along with doing the same with mine. Derek looked at the rings smiling before asking had I always been wearing my ring this whole time and I laughed replying yeah and he smacked his face wondering how had he not noticed this development. we all laughed again before agreeing to meet up in an hour at the Hale Compound and unload all the presents for Cora and Boyd after we picked up Aubrey and got into our truck pulling away from the mega store heading for the daycare to pick up our little angel. After getting Aubrey we headed toward the compound that we would be moving into in a week and met up with Derek unloading the trucks and taking the cribs and other gifts inside to give to the expectant parents who were surprised to say the least. We decided to let everyone know about our marriage and Aubrey's parentage right now while we were all together and they seemed to accept it almost immediately especially with Aubrey turning on her cute baby smile for them. Their only catch was that we had to redo our wedding ceremony with everyone involved this time and we happily agreed sighing finally having the truth out in the open thinking things were looking up for us all.

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