Last Day Of School- Chapter 2

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Tuesday Chapter 2- Last day of school

I stood in Mr. Davis' classroom and told my friends everything. They agreed that I should talk to him. They crowded around a stand and started playing arm wrestling. I had fun watching them have fun. It made me feel better a little bit. I seen my friend Miya sit in a corner of the room. I walked up to her. Once I did, Daniel came into the room with these two girls. Mr. E was talking to him. Daniel had a piece of paper and a pen in his hand. I told Miya to watch my camera and my purse while I went up to talk to him.

"Hey Daniel, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked. I started shaking and I could feel my face heating up.

"Yes." He said quietly and looked down at his paper in his hands. We walked over to the desks to where we could get some privacy. Michaela, one of the girls.. I think, stood around and listened to our conversation which made me mad.

"Someone told me that you said I was mad at you for some things." I told him still shaking and trying to hide that fact.

"No, Marah said that you were upset and I thought it was because of me." Daniel said, I kind of couldn't hear him because his voice was a little low. I could tell he was pretty concerned himself and I felt kind of bad that I was sort of confronting him like this.

"Really? Well, I'm not mad, I just was a little upset that you didn't talk to me." I said looking away. Suddenly I realized something, "Oh yeah! Can I get a picture with you?"

Daniel nodded his head as he looked to the ground. I got my camera from Miya and I took a picture of him with me. My hand was shaking as I held the camera up to take the picture. I hope he hadn't noticed. I walked back to Miya and she was smiling as wide as ever. She was so happy that I was brave enough to do what I did.

I hurried up and stuck my camera back into my purse, deciding that I would take a peek at the picture at home. I didn't want to bug Daniel about taking another one if I thought it was ugly. I picked up my purse and I saw that Rachel and Blanca were still playing arm wrestle on Mr. Davis' podium. I couldn't help but smirk at the sight I saw. Rachel was so determined to beat Blanca at this. It was hilarious and I decided to take a picture of there white knuckled hands.

I grabbed my camera out of my purse and snapped the picture. Blanca seemed upset and I was hoping it wasn't because of her stupid crush. I wasn't so sure if she would have a chance with him next year but if she did, I knew it would mean the whole world to her. I'd be happy... :)

Rachel kept laughing and saying her hand hurt and I giggled. This girl cracked me up. I noticed that my hands were calming down and it felt good. I actually wasn't pretty sure who won but, if it was Blanca than I see why Rachel's hurting. I smirked again and I decided to go find Marah.

I had to tell her that I talked to David and that we got everything settled for now.

Wednesday- Last day of school

I woke up in the morning and I did my morning things. I wanted to look extra pretty so Daniel would see me and maybe like me. I had a feeling that maybe he had a little bit of feelings for me... I mean, I could tell in his eyes that he felt bad for me or he wanted to be with me.. It was probably both.

All these confusing thoughts clouded through my mind and all I could do was hope and pray that he would be mine soon. Or... just maybe someday. I walked out of the bathroom after I fixed my hair and I headed out my bedroom door and saw that my siblings were sitting on the couch.

They didn't have to wear uniforms for the last day of school which sucked for me. I was stuck with the dang uniform. I looked at my sister in playful disgust and she laughed.

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