Chapter 4- First Day of Eighth Grade

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Chapter 4- First day of 8th grade.. The last year at her middle school

I was feeling very nervous as I slipped my eighth grade uniform on. It was a navy blue polo with khaki bottoms. I brushed my teeth and I quickly ran a brush through my hair. I wondered who was going to be in my two classes since I only had two main teachers. Each teacher taught two subjects and according to my schedule I had gotten from open house, we switched back and forth after each subject. Ah, this will be easy, I told myself.

I was really hoping Daniel would be on my team so I could talk to him and catch up from summer... My stomach started cramping a little from the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. Daniel, Daniel, Daniel... That's all I cared about seeing on the first day of school. Well, him and my best friends. I learned after open house that my friends, Kylie and Rachel were on the sharks team and Blanca, Katie, and Miya were on the Orca team leaving me all alone on my little dolphins team. Well, not too completely alone.. I hoped.

The eighth grade theme was the ocean so each of our teams were named after fish. The sharks team was the A.I.G team, the dolphins team which I noticed just from having two teachers that it was the smallest team, was in the middle (pre algebra) and the orca team just did regular work. I realized that a few people that I knew in seventh grade could possibly be in my classes, I just had to find out.

I came out of the bathroom and walked out of my room, two of my siblings however, were going to the sixth grade so they were going to the same middle school as me. I hoped to God that neither of them would embarrass me. Well good news, my brother Zack was too quiet and shy to even mention my name to anyone so I knew I was safe with him. Beth on the other hand, once she gets around her friends, she can get crazy, somewhat like me. I silently prayed to God that He would actually help them out on their first day and keep them from saying my name.... Hopefully they wouldn't get scared.

My mom finally got all of us into the car and I forgot to mention my younger sister. Her name is Eden but we call her Edy for short. You know, like Edy's ice cream. Anyway, today was her first day of first grade at her elementary school. I knew she wasn't as nervous as Beth, Zack and I because she was more of the outgoing one. I loved her to death.

Finally we made it to the school and my siblings (except Edy) and I got out of the car and walked towards the school's entrance. Daniel started flooding back towards my mind and I felt a little nauseous. I had my backpack slung over my shoulder and I told my siblings good luck before they made it to their classes. God help them and me today... I silently prayed.

I walked towards my first classroom and my homeroom teacher, Mrs. Painter was standing outside the classroom with a huge grin on her face. "Hey Marrissa." She said sweetly and I was surprised she remembered my name. Well, it is like Mariah Carey... sort of. I thought and I softly grinned at the memory of Daniel being the first one to ever keep calling me that.

"Hey." I said back and I walked into the classroom. It was already filled with people I didn't really recognize but I didn't mind, I knew I'd get to know them during the year. I recognized a few friends sitting at the first table in the room. Jasmine, she was one of the people I met in my extra classes like Health and P.E.

She has long brown hair that she always puts into a ponytail unless it's a special day and she has these gorgeous chocolate brown eyes that make me jealous because I've always wanted brown eyes. I gave her a sweet hello and I sat down right beside her.

"Hey." She said back. She had a beautiful smile that was perfectly straight. Dang, if I had teeth like that I'd be happy! I thought. Mrs. Painter started calling role and I heard the name Trisha. Ah, she's in my class too! I thought, getting all excited. I saw her walk in and she took a seat right next to me.

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