Our Song- Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- Our Song

I came home after my first day of eighth grade feeling bummed. Why would Daniel just ignore me like that? I decided to push him out of my mind until I was safely in my room. I changed my thoughts to the new people I met today. Tori, who was one of the cheerleaders for the football team, asked me some of my favorite things and I answered her as honest as I could.

She was very nice and sweet, not conceited or mean like some of the preps I've seen already at this school, and she was a christian and a baptist just like I was. She was very pretty to look at, she had short, dark hair that came to her shoulders and I remembered seeing her a little bit last year and she would always have short hair. That was really the hair do for her, I thought. She had slightly pink cheeks and round dark eyes and small pink lips that were always pulled into a cute grin. I really didn't mind her. I had a feeling we would be great friends.

I noticed a beautiful, red head sitting next to her at lunch today and I recognized her from the Intimidators game. She had been sunburnt pretty bad on her right shoulder and I noticed that she was one of the ones who would wear skirts sometimes in school.

She was very graceful and her body was set that way. She was tall and slender, very christian like to many people's eyes. I figured that Tori and her were best friends and possibly went to the same Church. One thing that I loved about this girl already was her hair. It was very long and it cascaded around her body like a wavy, burgh-any blanket. I remembered her name as Kathryn.

I finally walked from the bus to my house and I smugly came in and walked straight to my room. My mom stopped me for a little bit to ask my siblings and I how our first day at school went. I replied swiftly with a sweet smile and turned around to go into my room.

We lived in my grandma's house... Well now my grandpa's. My grandma had passed away last year in the middle of September; five days before my birthday. She was my best friend despite the fact that she was my closest grandma. I always will remember her and I will always call this place her house.

This house was pretty small but it fit my family of six pretty well. I didn't mind it even though I had to share it with both of my sisters. The disadvantage was when my sisters and I would fight.. I hated that. Even sometimes they could be brats, they were still my sisters and I loved them... No matter what.

I sat my backpack down against the wall beside my huge night stand and I passed out on top of my bed. I kicked off my tennis shoes and looked up towards the ceiling. I wished I had an ipod so I could drown my brain with music and get out of my world for a while. I asked my mom if I could have one for Christmas and she replied 'maybe.'

I turned over on my belly and I remembered my cd player that my mom had bought me for Christmas a few years back. I checked to see if it still had batteries; it did. I popped it open and I saw the Hannah Montana soundtrack I had bought this summer when I had some money. I had also bought a Jordin Sparks album that was still in the car. I closed the top of the cd player and pressed play. I remembered my favorite song on this cd so I quickly skipped it to number 12. Crazier by: Taylor Swift.

The intro began to play and I laid back on my back and closed my eyes. My mind started going back to the days when I first realized that I should like Daniel. This was the song I had chosen to be ours.

Months before I started liking him, the chorus of this song was stuck in my head. I couldn't remember where I had heard it or where it came from; it was just stuck in my head. When I finally had gotten home that night, I went on the internet and typed in the first line I remembered. 'You lift my feet off the ground.' Many results popped up below the google bar and I found what it was called. At school I thought that it was probably a Christian song on the radio but now that I was on the internet at home, I discovered what song it really was.

I constantly would listen to that song on you tube until I finally knew all of the words. I fell in love with that song and the weekend before the Intimidators game, I thought of Daniel and the song both.

I was walking around Walmart with my family and I was hoping I would run into Daniel there. My hands were tucked into the pockets of my pink American Eagle sweater and my eyes were frantically looking around the store wondering if he was even there.

I kept telling myself over and over that he wasn't there, I shouldn't like him, he's different, my parents won't like him, he's not cute at all... But those thoughts didn't keep me away.

"You lift my feet off the ground... You spin me around.... You make me crazier.. Crazier.." I softly sang the lyrics with the song feeling the old feelings I had back at the time I was falling for Daniel. It was amazing how I could remember every detail and every thought and every feeling that I felt at that time...

My eyes filled with tears at the realization how this song really fit how I felt about him. "Baby, you've shown me what living is for... I don't want to hide anymore..." I mouthed the words of the song while remembering how I wanted him to know how I felt; getting Blanca to tell him, getting Diana to give him my number. How I didn't want to hide.

Maybe it's time to tell him again...

I'm going to wait until he talks to me though..

If he doesn't then... I'll just talk to him and see what he does.... I conformed mentally.

"You make me crazier.... Crazier......."

© 2010

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2010 ⏰

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