11 Caged.

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I walked into the cellar slowly, circulating around the victim. "Well... well well..." I smirked. "So this is how it all came up too? You actually fell for it? For me? Typical... you're a thirsty child. I wouldn't blame you." I walked up her to and held her chin up as she squirmed. "I'll take extreme care of you. I promise." She glared at me with her watery eyes, as if they were to make me feel bad. "Oh please, save your tears for someone who'd give a damn." She whimpered at me trying to grab onto my collar. Too bad her ankle was chained, so I moved away from her, having her struggle to reach me. "Hahaha. Pathetic." I turned around and left.


I've managed to pull myself together, almost to the point of letting go. It's been a whole month that Bonnie has been gone. Everything without her is so different, it kills me. I dunno what to do, or what to say, or what to make out of this. It's... it's just wrong...

I've already gotten into some bloody fights with some thugs in the hood. They tried to pick on me, or pick me up. I didn't give up without fight at least. I drew out my gun and shot all of them. They didn't even bother to waste more time on me. Rather, they all retreated. I've slept on the park benches for days. I did return the car home. And Riley has been slacking off once again, so there's no need of use from him anymore. So I'm all alone... again...

I feel like I' wasting my time on the other hand. If Bonnie really needed me, she'd probably call me by now, right? Her parents tried to repeatedly get in contact with her, and even that isn't possible. Oh who am I kidding? If I keep laying here thinking bout her, I might start to cry again. It just feels so weird that shes not around.... It's really weird... You know what. No. I can't just lay around doing nothing. I'm going to keep on going. Just like Granddad said. 'Don't do it just for me, but for her also.' I sue will..."


Now I know that I am bad for this. I slacked off of the mission, and so now Huey is all alone with the problem right now. He doesn't really wanna be bothered though. So it ain't really all my fault. Huey is a independent person. So he tends to solve matters on his own. I respect that, so I leave him be. It's too bad he has to go through this though. No kid should be suffereing these things. Huey deserves to be a normal child with a mom and a dad. I bet if mom and dad were still here, Huey wiuld have more likely be happier - be way more different. Looking back at from then to now, Huey is too mature for me. I still have plenty of catching up to do with him. Even now.


"What have I done...." I whimpered. "What.... have...I.... done..." I began to grow weary. My eye watered up as I tried to rub out the pain. The chain on my ankle hurted so much. It was so hard to sit in a comfortable position on the cold metallic surface. I sat their moping for quite awhile. He finally returned back. He walked into the cellar and kneeled by me with blankets, pillows and cushions. "Now I can't be fully rude to you. Since you're here, the least I can do is give you a comfortable bed to sleep in. And, I'll take those chains off of you so that you can feel a little freedom."

He fixed the bed on the floor for me, making it look real comfortable. He then unchained my ankle, as I rubbed it continuously to release the bruise. He watched, amused by my behavior. "You're rather stunning for a girl so petite." I glared at him, turning away. "Go away.... I want to sleep." I murmured.

"Oh.... I'm not stopping you." He took a step back as I laid in the bed, covering myself. He then kneeled down and snuggled me. He began to rub me as I slapped his hands away from me. "Aw come on, don't be that way."

I pushed him off. "Oh... so that's how you'r going to repay me. Okay. I get it." He got up and turned around standing there. After a couple of seconds, he turned around to kick me in my face. "Hehe... looks like you're forgetting who's taking care of you here. Well let me remind you." He gripped my hair and pulled my head up as a cried continuously. "I'm the one who'se taking care of you now, not your mom, not your dad, or your pathetic little sister. It's me. Get that straight." He threw his grip off me, and left the cellar.

I cried so much, as I felt blood drip from my side of my head. "I-I-I-I......I can't....do this.....no more.... Huey.... p-please..... save....me...." I cried into the pillow for the rest of the night.


By the way, I did get in trouble for stealing Granddad's car without permission. It was worth the risk though. I was able to patrol the town for evidence, which I got plenty of. The people of Woodcrest described to me who they believe did the criminal act. And whats funny is that their accusations came out almost the same. I'm probably on the right track. Hopefully not the wrong one...

I've never felt such a type of way whee I just can't live with myself. I see myself making life harder and harder for me and anyways. I'm only making it harder for myself, not anyone else, just me. And I need to stop that. Why do I even care about Bonnie so much? She isn't my Ride to Die for. I mean, she's my crush, but not my life story. She's literally changing the meaning of my life story. It's driving me crazy. I don't even know what to do...

People encourages me to keep loving her. That's probably why I'm still here. I told her that I loved her at prom. I guarantee you she doesn't believe me because of the way I am.... But its fine. I should'nt have came out so blunt about it. Life goes on, but yeah... its tough out here...

I sincerely do not want to repeat any sorts of history. From being a terrorist, to a revolutionist to a child raised by a man in random civil rights moments. As If I'd fall for that. Teh.... as if.... well... if only... just if only....

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