14 UnAware

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Aight, so mah baby girl Bonnie finally fell in love with me. Man, I've been waiting for this day. Every girl I met at my age are just too bland. They aren't honest enough to tell me how they feel about things, and then complain when they get hurt. I just don't understand them. But Bonnie, she's a considerate girl, who just tries to deal with problems. She never likes discussing them with anyone, so she often keeps more to herself. And I respect her for that.

At the same time, I would want her to express her emotions more freely every now and then. There's no need to hide them from me. Besides, I already know most of her problems. I grew more discern for her, allowing her to make certain decisions for herself. I just hate seeing her pain like this.

Her sister, Jazmine, I heard about her. And that is a disgrace, how can she just treat Bonnie like that? Took what she had, all her attention, her love. Her parents don't even treat her the same as Jazmine anymore. That is just pathetic.

I know I'm not the type of guy who'd really converse about these things, but... Bonnie is too good to be treated as a slave. She deserves better. And I'm gonna give her whats best.


I've never been so discreet with a problem like this. It's like as if Bonnie doesn't even exist in this realm no more. I haven't heard her voice for over 3 months, and its killing me. Doesn't she have a cell phone? Can't she probably call? I guess not. Maybe her suspect is holding it captive, away from her. That's probably what it is.

Sigh.... Her parents posted flyers around the neighborhood a couple months ago, to try and get the neighborhoods attention to look out for them. But it really hasn't really helped much. Most of the neighbors said that they haven't seen Bonnie in how long, so it's no use in trying to get them to talk.. The Dubois are in pain, serious pain. Relatives came over to their house, migrating to ours, which made Granddad upset. "Goddammit! They just don't get it do they? I can't stand any of this drama!!!!" He gripped his skull clenching it tightly.

"Aye Granddad. How about you stop being a dick, and go comfort those poor people out there." Riley clenched his fists and walk into the living room.

"Why I ought ta slap that boy...."

"Hey Granddad," I started. "Why DON'T you go out there and comfort them. I mean, it wouldn't be fair to know them for one thing, and then when they are in need of our dear support, we pretend they don't even exist."

I then took a photo album and brought it into the living room. Everyone was sitting down, teary eyes and sad. "Everyone, may I have your attention please?" Everyone kept on crying, trying to cheer each other up. "I said can I have everyone's attention. PLEASE." Everyone finally turned their heads.

"Now look. I'm sorry for the lost of our dear family, relative, and friend, Bonnie Freeman. Although this isn't much I could offer, this is an album of memories I had with her.... And many others of the Dubois' with her. Please savor these memories... because I know I have." I first passed the album to Mrs. Dubois. She snatched it from me, and hugged it tightly. She sniffled, only for about 10 seconds as everyone else watched her. Then, she opened it. Everyone gathered around, gleaning at how fond the pictures were. Each picture Mrs. Dubois saw made her eyes fill with tears. She couldn't help but stutter every time she tried to place a smile on her face.

"My little girl....." She whimpered. "When did everything go wrong....?" She loosened her grip on the book, and began to cover her eyes, pouring her eyes out. Tom Dubois' eyes chucked up, as he bawled out . Jazmine began to feel regret as she never understood what had happened. I came over to Mrs. Dubois and rubbed her back softly. She smacked my hand away. "It's your fault."

"Excuse me...?"

"....it's YOUR fault my daughter is GONE!!!!!!!!" She got up and tried to hit me. But before she could, Tom Dubois pulled her by her waist, holding her back.

"Deary, lets not point fingers at anyone right now."

I then spoke up abruptly. "It's my fault that your daughter has gone missing, as though she was none of my responsibility???"


"Oh, so it's also my fault that you never gave Bonnie the appropriate amount of attention she wanted from you guys... All you guys ever did was direct the attention towards Jazmine... Pity the fool who kills two birds with a pebble for he doesn't realize that a pebble could only reach one... You are a pathetic excuse for a mother..." I turned and walked away. I was too pissed too even talk to anyone, so I decided to go for a walk.


Pretty Boy Flizzy is taking me on a date today. I'm surely nervous because of the fact of the matter that someone may recognize me. But he told me not to worry about that. He mentioned that if I changed my hairstyle, my way of dressing, then no one would recognize me. And maybe even change my hair color.

I thought about the words he said...

"I'll take extreme care of you.... I promise...."

I knew that he was an abuser, but only because of the fact that he was afraid that I wouldn't love him. But now, now that he has given me the satisfaction, the gratitude of having my independence again, I forgive him.... because he gave me what my parents couldn't offer... what HUEY couldn't give me...... nobody.... well... he did offer me one thing... the freedom to speak my mind. I never had that chance with anybody. If I did, they would just throw me under the bridge. they'd tell everyone my secrets... my darkest ones....

That's why I keep to myself... Huey may know most of my problems.... but not the deepest ones...

Sigh... all the girls are going to view me as a homie hopper.... I really am not though...they don't know what I've been through...so I shouldn't let them intimidate me...I guess.....

Flizzy and I have been walking around for quite some time, enjoying the scenery of Woodcrest. I have to say, this is a really beautiful area. He's taken me to places I've never even seen before. I'm surprise that half of these things are even affordable here! After walking around for some time, we stopped in front of a beauty parlor. He looked down at me smiling.

"Are you ready to do this?"

"Yeah... I guess." He then gripped my hand softly. "Are you sure? I'm not going to force you to do so."

"No, no! I don't mind at all! Besides... I want this to be all over asap... so why not?" He then loosened his grip. "Okay then..."

We walked into the shop and saw women everywhere, getting their hair washed and done with a set and so on. An employee came up to me and smiled.

"Hello miss. Have you come here to do a wash and set?"


"Yes, she have. Can we give her a perm and dye her hair a tad bit darker?"

"Why of course!"

....I guess....

Follow me right this way, Miss!"


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