21 Huey...The Lost One

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I've never felt so hurt in my life. Besides losing family memebers, close dear loved ones, parents..... she broke me. I thought that I could've trusted her with things that I couldn't handle alone. Apparently, now I know. I've learned my lesson, and I wont take it to granted. Jazmine and Ceaser was still in our room, trying to reason with me on how Bonnie and riley ended up in that position.

"Look, I don't give a flying f--- how they ended up like that. All I know, is that Bonnie is a backstabbing f---er, and Riley- forget what the hell Riley is. Riley is dead." I started making a serious face, the face I usually make all the time, since I usually always look mad.

"Huey," Ceaser began. "Now call me crazy, but who knows, Bonnie could've been trying to fight him off, but he was too strong for her to seperate herself from.

"She knows how to fight. Did you see the way she wanted to tear Cindy's face apart downstairs? Please, I can recognize a weakling when I see it."

"That is so... but... Huey.... Riley is really strong when you think about it. He may not know how to fight well, but he can be real forceful.... talking from experience." Jazmine informed.

"Yeah... well... oh well. I saw what I saw, and it's not gonna change for a very long time." I went to my bed, taking my pillows, and a couple of my books, leaving the room.

"Hey, where you going???" Ceaser asked.

"I'm moving into the guest room." They both looked at me strange.

After moving everything into the guest room, I closed my door, and sat on my bed, opening a book up, and began to read.

"Interesting...." I mumbled to myself.

Someone knocked at the door. "Who is it."

"It's Jazmine...."

"Come in." She came in.

"Huey...." Jazmine said in a low tone.

"Can I talk to you about something.....?"

"Huh??? about what??"

"I know you said you didn't wanna fall in love again... but uh......"


Maaaaaaaaan Huey is a bitch!!! And he gay. That niqqa think he so good just because he decided to break it off with Bonnie. Lucky for me, I can keep her now. But she ran off.... so now I gotta look for ha. Great...

I quickly ran downstairs after I had heard Huey mentioning that h was moving into the guest room. I looked all over the house, wondering where Bonnie could have possibly be.

"I hope she didn't go back home during this storm." I looked around more, only to hear to voices talking in the background. "Huh.....?" When I turned the corner, I saw Cindy and Bonnie, talking to eachother in the kitchen.

"I just wanna tell you I'm sorry for beign a bitch earlier. My gangsta instincts were kickin in, I thought she was tryna tell me that I'm living the bummy ass 'thug life'.

"Duh faaaah?" I cracked.

"I apologize for how I was acting earlier too.... I should've have grabbed onto you like that. That's not really nice at all....I just have bad habits of getting myself into uncessary trouble...."


"Oh really....?"

"Yeah, I remember when Riley and I hooked up to sell chocolates. Booiii our asses wrre on the line!! We was finna get shot up in that hotel!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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