The One That Got Away

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(So I skipped day 1 because it's just about saying goodbye to writers block XD I wish)

Prompt: You bump into an ex-lover on Valentine's Day, the one whom you often call "The One That Got Away."  What happens?

Warning: Course language


Marinette Dupain-Cheng usually despised Valentine's Day, along with every other single person in the whole universe. But that's the thing, this time she wasn't single but taken by none other than the superhero heart throb who went by the name of Chat Noir. 

Everyone in Paris saw it coming really, everyone but her it seemed. She was too busy daydreaming about Adrien Agreste, a model and son of her favourite fashion designer, that she had never gave her partner a second thought. 

Marinette wore a huge grin as she swung through Paris via her yoyo, a polka dotted weapon granted to her every time she transformed into Ladybug, her superhero alter ego. But that was a story for another day. The cool air left the raven haired girl feeling refreshed and energised. Combined with her nerves and excitement for her date with her superhero boyfriend that night, Marinette felt like a supernova of energy trapped in a small box, bursting at the seems to be released.  

She guessed the fusion of her nerves and clumsiness was disastrous because next thing she knew she was barreling into a young man walking along the Seine.  

Marinette couldn't help but fall into a fit of laughs as she rolled of the blonde guy. She covered her mouth as she did, her bluebell eyes standing bright in the night. The green-eyed boy couldn't help but lay paralysed and admire her beauty beside her, every inch of his body itching to lean over and capture her lips. 

"Oh how- how rude of me!" The heroine managed to say before giggling. The couldn't help but replay the memory of her missing the light pole and flying towards this guy. 

"I-It's fine." He managed to stutter out. Marinette whipped her head towards him, finally realising who the heck she had just flattened. Adrien Agreste laid there breathless, his hair a little messy but made him all the more sexier. They were 18 now and whatever hotness Marinette had thought this guy had when he was 15 had to have tripled over the years. 




Marinette was NOT about to have these thoughts about him when she had a boyfriend. None of her old wishes, fantasises and hopes mattered anymore. Not even the nickname used by her best friend Alya and her made, "The One That Got Away." She buried those and her feelings in a grave along time ago.

"Chat got your tongue, Ladybug?" Adrien accidentally slipped out. But he couldn't resist, seeing his girlfriend, even if in this persona she technically wasn't his girlfriend, just stare at him with a flushed look. He knew he had fucked up when she squinted her eyes at him before gasping.

"You're fucking Chat Noir aren't you."  Marinette pursed her lips as she tried to wear a serious face. She studied the blonde's facial features, watching them took from a look of "oh shit" to shock and confusion to a sigh of "oh fuck it."

"Chat's out of the bag!" Adrien gave his girlfriend jazz fingers.

"Why am I even dating you?" Marinette sighed and face palmed.


I couldn't help myself but add a reveal.


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