Mystery Cookie

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Hello! I couldn't believe I had gotten votes, reads and comments straight away when I published the first story! Thank you!

Btw, I'm writing one of these every day for the next two weeks. Or well I hope so, my new school year starts tomorrow xd. [Two days into it and I already am slacking off talk about commitment]

Prompt: One Day you come into work and find a cookie mysteriously placed on your desk. Grateful to whoever left this anonymous cookie, you eat it. The next morning you come in and find another cookie. This continues for months until one Day a different object is left—and this time there's a note.

Um so I didn't completely follow this whoops xD

Marinette Dupain-Cheng was in too much of a rush the first time she found the mysterious cookie to give it another glance. She ran around her desk, touching up her new fashion design that was due that very afternoon. So when she came across the snack, she simply stuffed it into her mouth.

The next day, a brand new chocolate chip cookie was sitting on her newly cleaned desk. She suspiciously looked around her room for evidence, immediately finding a little note that lay underneath the cookie.

"Enjoy, Princess. -Chat Noir."

Marienette blushed, wondering who Chat Noir could be. Afraid it could have been some spiked with some sort of drug or poison, the young adult sniffed the cookie before placing it exactly where she grabbed it from.

The third day she found yet another cookie besides the old one.

"Aw man, I put my heart and soul into that cookie. -A sad kitty."

Marinette grinned. Feeling flattered, she decided to just take advantage of the situation. She took a nibble of the newer cookie which instantly sent her taste buds on a blissful trip to heaven. In a few seconds, she finished both cookies moaning in elation at the delicious taste.

"Thank you!" She had called out to the hallway.

A new cookie and note arrived every day the rest of the designer's week. The letters consisted of love poems, compliments, puns and jokes.

"Morning Princess, you're looking pawsome today as usual. -Chat Noir"

"Mari, your eyes shine like the stars and your smile brightens my day like the sun. You deserve a thousand cookies. -Chat Noir"

"How does JK Rowling go down a hill? By walking. JK! Rolling. -Chat Noir"

Weeks turned into months and Marinette found herself excited to read a new note every day and devour a scrumptious cookie. She constantly tried to figure out the man behind the mask, but every investigation left her no closer to his figuring out his identity.

But that all changed one Friday afternoon in the middle of Fall.

The 23-year-old fashion designer arrived at her desk for work. As usual, her hand instinctively reached out for her cookie but her fingertips were met with plastic instead of dough. Marinette jumped, whipping her head to look at what the heck she had just touched.

"What the-?" Marinette's eyebrows furrowed as she found herself holding a bouquet of red roses. She blushed and her lips pulled into a grin as she read the note attached.

"I heard it was the fair maiden's birthday today. Meet me at the park near the school at 6pm? Please? Bring a friend if you're nervous, princess. But I promise this Cat doesn't scratch.  -Chat Noir"

The simple note sent the raven haired girl spiralling into excitement. She could barely focus the entire work day, continuously smelling the flowers and rereading the note.
Marinette was finally going to find out who the dorky Chat Noir was! The fashion designer found herself doodling images of what she thought he'd look like as well as writing dot points about what she already knew about him.
" -Kind

Once her work day ended, Marinette practically sprinted out of the faculty, bumping past one of the models that worked there.
She scowled as she dropped some of her papers.

"Someone's in a rush." The blonde, green eyed man smirked. Marinette simple rolled her eyes, not wanting to deal with another arrogant, rich celebrity.

She bent over to pick up her papers expecting him to leave, but instead the model crouched down and helped her. It seemed rather cliche.

"Sorry. That came out wrong. Sorry for knocking you." He said softly, handing Marinette her pages.

Marinette bit her lip as her bluebell eyes met his green ones.

"It's fine. Thanks." The blonde quickly stood up and held out his hand. Marinette raised her eyebrow, wondering where all this chivalry had suddenly came from. She took his hand and he gently helped her up.

"I hear you're a bakers daughter. Impressive you achieved such a great job at such a young age." He complimented.

Marinette was too busy checking him out to reply. He was wearing a nice business suit with a blue tie. He wasn't a model for no reason. He was well built, with a perfect jawline and teeth as well as soft, adorable eyes.  The bakers daughter blinked twice, processing what he had said.

"I-I mean not that I have been like watching or stalking you. Just overheard chat in some meetings." The model quickly blurted out, scratching his neck in awkwardness.

Marinette smiled. Maybe she was wrong about him after all.

"Thank you. I would introduce myself but you probably already know my name judging from what you already told me." Marinette smirked, hugging her papers closely to her chest.

The blonde blushed, giving her a lopsided smile.
"I think I heard it somewhere. My name's Adrien. Adrien Agreste. It's a pleasure to meet you madame." Adrien reached out for her hand. She took his hand, expecting a simple handshake but gasped when he brought her hand to his lips.

This time it was Marinette's turn to burn red. He held eye contact with her as he slowly dropped her hand, winking. The fashion designer swore her heart had stopped.

"I'll see you in the park at 6, princess." He turned and began walking away leaving Marinette's jaw on the floor.

I apollo-gise for this being late whoopsies
I also apollo-gise for ending it there hehe

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