Sent to the Wrong Printer

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Prompt: You're at work and you print something personal (and sensitive). Unfortunately, you've sent it to the wrong printer and by the time you realise it, somebody else has already scooped it up.


Marinette Dupain-Cheng found herself locked in a janitor's closet with the model Adrien Agreste, who was only the son of her favourite fashion designer as well as being her celebrity crush! Said person was holding sheets of paper that read the raven-haired girl's newly written fan fiction she had created based on the model. She was on the brink of emotional death, and it was all thanks to Chloe Bourgeois.

"Adrikins!" Chloe Bourgeois's pale face appeared on Adrien Agreste's computer screen. She battered her eyelashes and puckered her lips, sending a wave of uncomfortableness towards the blonde boy.

Adrien scowled. He rested his chin on his gamer controller, his eyes boring into the screen.
"Chloe! You know this is my only free time don't you." Adrien rolled his eyes, counting how long it had been since he had left Fortnite. (A/N lmao idek the spelling.)

"I know, I know! But I thought you should know, I discovered the tramp who writes those horrid stories about you." Chloe lifted her sunglasses and rolled her eyes.

Adrien jumped up so fast, he banged his nose on the controller.
"You found the author!" Adrien's cheeks burned red, wondering who was the face behind the fan fiction. He secretly loved the book, it is about the author and himself having alter ego Superheroes who managed to create a massive love square between themselves. The book was such a hit, that others drew fan art, made fanfictions based on it and created ship names for all the characters!

"Duh, that's what I just said." Chloe put her hands on her hips. Adrien studied the area around Chloe on his screen. It was sort of blurry and pixelated, but he managed to pick up his dad's brand logo; a butterfly. The blonde model quickly hung up the call, hesitated before quitting his game as well.

He quickly changed shirts, sprayed on some cologne and touched upon his hair. Slipping some shoes on, he ran down to the foyer of the mansion. He headed for the garage, unlocked his black convertible and rapidly headed to the Agreste Faculty.

After parking and entering the front office, he greeted the staff.
"Oh! Mr Agreste, there was printing sent to your office. Not sure what it was though."
Adrien nodded and thanked the woman, deciding to head to his office. He'd call Chloe once he'd seen this printing.

The 21-year-old model beelined for his printer once reaching his office. He found a stack of A4 paper, all with some sort of writing. He read the first few lines on the first page, immediately recognising what was in his hands.

"The Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir, Volume 2 Chapter 11. By Ladybug "

"It's an unreleased chapter," Adrien whispered to himself in disbelief.
Adrien's heart skipped a beat as he quickly went to check the printing details. It had come from the fashion department, an apprentice's computer. Could it possibly be the author? Right in this very faculty?

Adrien's hands fumbled to call his best friend Nino.

"Bro? What happened? We were about to win Fortnite!" His voice was heavy with bitterness.

"Not important! I'm on the verge of discovering Ladybug's identity!"

"Oh. The girl you secretly made a Tumblr account for, named it Chat Noir which happens to also be one of the main characters from her story, who also happens to be you? The very girl you then went to start texting and accidentally fell in love with?" Nino droned on, having heard the girl's name way too many times.

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