Chapter 3

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I started to mutter something but I had to fight the urge to ask her something. She looks at me confused and says you can ask me anything. I mutter then ask her why did your dad do that to you the other day?

She looks away and looks back. She whispers he's not my real dad. I ask do u have a mother. She says yes I do but I have never seen her since I was little.

I was going to ask why but I decided not to ask her because if she wanted me to know she will tell me.

I heard my mother yell my name from another room and I tell her I have to go. She says by.

I walk into the kitchen and the neighbors are over. My mother said we are about to have breakfast. I go to the table and sit down with my neighbors.

Ms.Brown looks strange. Not in the bad way. But also not in the good way. I didn't want it to seem like I was starting at her so I looked around the room.

I looked back at Mrs.Brown and wondered if I have seen her before. Not like in the way where I have never seen her and this is the first time or anything but like she looks like somebody I know.

I start to think of all the women I know. None of them look the same. I keep thinking. Then it hit me. I realized exactly who she reminded me of. The Love of my life.

I start to wonder what she means when she says she hasn't seen her mother since she was little. My mother walks in with the food and we all start to eat.

I started to ask Mrs.Brown if I had overheard her talking about having a daughter before. She asked me why I want to know. I just say I want to get to know everybody better. She hesitates and then wispers yes. I did have a daughter but I had to give her up when she was born because she was born on another planet.

I look at my mother and she looks as confused as I am.

Mrs.Brown's face begins to turn red. Almost like she is about to cry. She wispers her name is Zhavia.

Then it hit me like a pile of bricks. I was talking to her mother. I knew it.

She keeps talking. Zhavia will be 18 soon. I haven't talked to her since I left her. I wish I could be with her. I have saw pictures of her on the internet she's so beautiful.

I sit there in awe. I suddenly needed to talk to her. I ask my mother if I may leave and she says yes.

I get on Plunta and video call Zhavia. She answers immediately. She asked why I had to leave. I told her I was eating breakfast with my mom and neighbors.

I had to bring up a major issue. I was speechless but I had to ask her. Ummmm I began to ask her but the words wouldn't come out.

She asked what is it. I say nothing never mind I was just thinking to myself. In the background I can her her dad. Well technically it's not her dad but I don't know what to call him. I'll just call him hmmmm well I don't know I'll just say dad unless she says another name I can call him.

I ask is that your dad? She says it's not my dad his name is Ted. I say ok. She says it sounds like he has been drinking today. I ask what happens when he drinks. She whispers you saw what happened last time.

She looks at her bedroom door and lays the computer on her table. She runs and pushes a dresser in front of the door and goes in her closet and gets her gun. I ask what is that for. She says it's to protect myself. I say I know what it is but why? She says he is never going to touch me again. As soon as she says that I look right at her eye.

It was still swollen. The black tint was gone. She looks at me and askes exactly where are you. I ask what do you mean. She askes where do you live exactly. I had to give her a place on Earf. I think of one and say North Korea.

She asked isn't that place dangerous. I joke around and say only if your Chinese. I hear footsteps coming up her stairs and she has a worried look on her face.

Ted starts to bang on her door and starts to yell. You better open this door! Zhavia looks at me and shakes her head no. He keeps banging the door and tries to open it. But the dresser was not going to let him in.

Zhavia grabs a bag and fills it up with clothes. She starts to go through her room looking for other things to put in her bag and realizes her truck keys are on her bed. She walks over to her computer and shows me her keys and whispers guess what.

I ask what. She says Ted usually keeps my keys and now I have them. She had the biggest smile on her face and continued to find more things to go in her bag.

Ted has went back downstairs now. And she has basically ruined her room going through it. I ask what what she is doing. She says she has something that her life will depend on. A few minutes later she finds a shoe box covered with flowers on it.

She sits on he bed and opens it all I could see was money. She pours it all in her bag and zips it up she places it by her window. She finds another bag and starts filling it up with more stuff.

About ten minutes later she has that bag filled up to. She zips it up and grabs the keys to her truck and whispers I'm going to put these in the back of the truck. I say please be careful and she says Carter this is why I love you. I look at her and say I love you to.

She grabs her bags and sneaks out her window. While she is gone Ted comes back up the stairs and starts to bang on her door. A couple of minutes later Zhavia comes back and grabs her gun. She goes to the bathroom and grabs her phone.

She does something on her phone and then my phone goes off I read her message she texted me I'll have to text u if I have to go. I textured back I understand.

Her dad is still banging the door. Zhavia looks scared now because Ted is now screaming I'm going to shoot you. She aims the gun at the door. All I could do was watch. I couldn't do anything because I am thousands of miles away. If only I could.

The dresser starts to give up and is slowly moving. Zhavia's hands are shaking. The dresser gives up and breaks the door slamming it open.

Ted is holding a gun and is barely standing up. He is staring at the ground. Zhavia has her gun pointed at his head. He looks up and stumbles watcha gonna do little girl shoot me? He raises his gun at Zhavia and before she could do anything she pulls the triger.

Ted's gun falls out of his hands and he falls to the ground. Zhavia looks around and walks up to him and kicks him. Ted doesn't move. She touches his wrist and tries to find a heartbeat but could not find one.

She looks at him and tries to mock him she laughs and says whatcha going to do now little drunken man?

She grabs the computer and runs down the stairs. She hurries up and grabs a bag and starts packing some food. She grabs a blanket and computer and runs toward her truck. She puts the computer on the dash board and cranks the truck. She starts driving down the road and I ask what are you going to do now. She says I'm going to find my mother.

I think back about Mrs.Brown. I nervously ask is he really dead. Zhavia shakes her head and says yes. He's finally gone. She starts to smile. She smiles in a way I have never seen her smile before. She relaxes and says I am finally free.


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