Dark Side

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Bright hit his pen on the table repeatedly. He glad tonight, less patient came to emergency room. He can't focus his mind. And it dangerous for patient if he can't focus to treatment them. What if he give a wrong medicine or he did clumsy thing. It can damage his career life.

What happened in week ago, the last time he met Farm. Make a big impact to him. To his life. He never felt like this before. Never to anyone. Bright can't forget that night when he tried take Farm deep into his world. Forced Farm to accepted all of him. Farm's face when calling his name desperate, ask Bright to stop touch him in front of 2 other Bright's one-night-stand-friend. He didn't know what possessed him that night, he just wanted take Farm deeper to his world than anyone else. But, he forgot to asking Farm if he ready or not. Farm was young, maybe too young to know all the darkness side Bright had.

Aaah... Bright felt guilty. How could he did it to Farm? Someone who still pure like Farm. Coz Farm always said yes to him. Follow him anywhere like a happy puppy shaking his tail. Let him do anything and Farm will accepted it like a good boy. And Bright unconsciously push Farm into his limited. He know it and still force Farm to accepted who he was.

Bright slap himself to calm down. It was the first time Bright fall to this stage. Desperate. He always take control over anything. With his genius brain, attitude and good looking face he can control anyone in his career, his life, his love life. And now he like a trash. He loss control.

The worst part, he lost contact with Farm. He call Farm but no answer. He sent messages, Farm read it but didn't reply. Why you so brat, Farm !!! If Bright loss his pride, too. Maybe he already came to Farm's dorm and take him to talk. But he can't. He tried to ask Knock but when he called him it was like Knock had problems too and he can't asking about Farm. And in the end he listen to Knock all night along.

03.00, 5 hour left more before his night sift. But, Bright can't handle his anxious anymore. He can't treatment patient like this. He called his friend.

"Mmmm, heyoo~" Bright can heard sleppy tone.

"Hello, Peck. It's Bright. Sorry to disturb you. But, can you come earlier today? I have something I should do" Bright asking his friend.


2 minutes waiting. "Peck? Are you listening? Peck !! PEECK!!"

"Aaah, --Bright --ya..ya.. sure, dude. Sorry I sleep before. Give me hour and I will coming like a lightning."

"Thanks alot, Peck"

"No need. You always help me. --See u, buddy"

He must force himself to focus little more. Hopping no patient in this hour.


Bright went home and tried to sleep but he can't shut down his brain. So, he chose to run. He must make his body tired so he can sleep after. He lack of sleep coz his anxious.

He run like crazy. And sit down after his limited. Tried catch his breathe. And he saw Farm was running, Bright need a minute to recognize from Farm back, but he sure it was Farm. He stand up want to catch Farm up. But, stopped coz he felt dizziness. His leg shaking.

"Faaaarm !! Faaaarm!!!! FAAARM !!!!!" Bright yelled with his last energy left. But, Farm had gone far away.

'Tomorrow I'll chach you' Bright said to himself


Bright came to pub, tried to cool down his mind. He run everyday, so he can met Farm. But, everytime he tried to chach Farm, he never success. He always lost Farm in the middle way, it was like Farm a ghost who can suddenly disappear. Bright lost control, he felt depression.

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