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Everyone have a dream and will do anything to make it come true. some people can reach it but other cannot. Arianna Huffington said, "We need accept that we won't always make the right decisions, that we'll screw up royally sometimes -understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it's part of success". Btw, anyone known who is Arianna Huffington? she is famous, right? aaah, it was not the point of this story. the flight of idea always make Sam can't focus.

Sam had a dream to be a singer. the famous one. maybe become one on the billboard. Music is his life. he can't life without it. but, his family didn't like that idea. they didn't give him support and it made he lacks confidence. it was hard to make his dream come true within any support that needed. He almost give up, if Al didn't come to his life.

Sam learn anyone need someone stand by them. Unfortunately it didn't happen to anybody, some of them didn't have anyone or any place that belong to be. So, Sam wanted to made place that anyone can felt belong to. when they felt sad, happy, or just need a place. And he made "unlucky love" place with his cousin, Al. His motto, "maybe I cannot help anyone to solve their problem, but i have ears to listen, hand to wipe the tears, amr to hug if it needed or just stay here so nobody will lonely". Sam kinda sensitive of this feeling. he can't see a gloomy aura in his place.

"so, what's going on, guys?! are you in funeral?" Sam asking.

Yihwa stared at Knock, "if something happen, i kill you Knock!!"

"stop! please don't kill each other in my place! I against violence here!!" Sam snapped

"i just want to help them" Knock defense, make Yihwa more anger.

Knock hugged Korn's arm, Yihwa made him affraid, "Yihwa, i can't life without him." Knock smile. "but, little hurt is ok"

"oi, Korn!" Knock hit Korn, "iiish, where's you side huh!!"

"I disagree with you Knock" Fai said, "you force Farm"

"I didn't..."

"yes, you did !!" Yihwa said angrily, "when you said 'for your sake'!! how could Farm against it!"

"I.." Knock loss his world.

"Farm? what happened?" Sam asked, he still felt guilty when he judges Farm earlier because of a Thai drama series. what a shame is.

"this stupid, try to become a hero" Yihwa sarcasm

"I'm not! i juat want to --"

Yihwa cut Knock wold, "but, you didnt know what happened to them!"

"didn't you either! Farm never tell us, but --I can't see them like that. it's hurting." Knock said, "like you guys who help me. and I'm glad i have you. I want Farm feel the same. that we here for him."

Yihwa stared at Knock, "Look Knock, we'll always help our friend, you're like family for me. and i know your crazy ex-girlfriend is bad person. of course we'll save you. --but, sometime we must step back and wait"

"I already wait, Yihwa" Korn suddenly talk, he looked at Sam, remembering that night when Farm fall and he talk to Sam, talk about forgiving to move on. "and i still can't understand. how can i help?"

"and maybe... maybe what he need just.. --little push" Knock added

Sam look confused, "it's so complicated, hmmm"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2018 ⏰

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