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'beep boop bap gucci gang gucci gang"

bot crawled out from unda neeath the trump towa along wit hiz slaves mildred n geography

'team umizoom come in team umizoom', crid i grill

"yus dis iz us", ansad bot az he recharged hiz bateriz

bots intestinez lit up showing  his pregger belly. "OOooooOo iz a grill". geography waz vry hapy dat bawt wood n0w gib berth 2 girl.

"omg guyz so liek ma nam iz cheryl n  i waz at mcDonaldz n i ordered the 10 piece nuggs but da man only gib me 5 piece. plz c0m help me!!!1" 

Mildreds buttox dookeed at da thot of mcNuggetz. mmmmmmm false meaattt growld her liver

"okie dokie cherrry we be on our way"




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