Chapter 1

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Arthur's POV

"Wake up Arthur!" I heard my father shout through my door "You better be ready to go before I leave for work!" He shouted again.
I opened my eyes with a sigh and climbed out of my bed. I could see myself out of the corner of my eye in the mirror. My skin was natural peachy color for once- then my father's pounding on the door rang through my room, causing my skin to turn bright red "Alright! I'm up!" I shouted back as I moved to my closet.
I pulled my favorite sweater vest out along with jeans and a scarf. I usually wore very covering clothing in case my emotions got too out of hand.
With a yawn, I slipped my clothes on, and combed my hair before opening my door and heading down the steps.
"Good morning... I made breakfast..." My father called from the kitchen. I could smell tea from the bottom of the steps.
"Thanks dad..." I murmured as I sat down at the table and began sipping the tea he had made me.
"Don't forget what I told you ok? And say hello to Mr. Vargas once you get the chance."
"I'll say hello... and... I've already told you before. I can't control my powers like you..." I said with a sigh as I grabbed my satchel from the table and began making my way out the door, ignoring my father as he called for me.

Alfred's POV

"Don't forget to make us proud, boys- where did your brother go?" My mother was flying around the house, looking for my twin while my father sat at the table reading the newspaper, a huge weight in his hand as he lifted it up and down.
"Did you try the flour sweetheart?" My father called from the table before taking a sip of his coffee. He dropped the weight on the ground with a loud thump.
"Right!" My mom called before zooming to the kitchen and grabbing a bag of flour.
"Wait! I'm here! I surrender!" My twin, Matthew called as he appeared next to me with his polar bear in his arms.
I floated off the ground towards the door, grabbing my book bag in the process and tossing Matt, his. "We better get going. We don't want to be late for our first day of high school."
"Right!" Matt called from behind me as he put his backpack on and rushed out the door, I followed him close behind.
"We love you!" My twin and I shouted in unison before rushing to the school with me flying high through the sky and him rushing on the ground.

Arthur's POV

I took a breath and stepped onto the school grounds, walking along the paved sidewalk to the entrance. There were students everywhere, some were handing out flyers, some were talking to each other in loud voices, and others were either showing off their powers or not giving a shit about it all.
"Hey there, newbies! Orientation is this way!" An upperclassmen called to Me and a few other freshman while gesturing to sign that read "FRESHMAN ORIENTATION THIS WAY." I swallowed and began making my way in that general direction.
I had heard about orientation and how it will decide your fate for the rest of your high school years. It was quite terrifying, especially since I didn't know how to use my powers.
A person flew past me at alarming speeds, before another ran past me like his life depended on it.
"Bloody hell!" I shouted before taking a breath and continuing on through the front doors to where the freshmen were being directed.

Alfred's POV

My heart was racing as they called students down to their tests. I watched as my brother went down to the center of the gym where their were several different courses.
"What can you do kid?" He asked my brother in a monotone voice while looking at a list. There were two other people with him, watching.
My brother took a breath "I can turn invisible... and I have... lazer eyes..." He said softly.
The man nodded and walked my brother over to a colorful board. "Do it... disappear, Mr. Quiet."
Matthew nodded as he disappeared from sight, leaving the board there alone.
"And hit this..." The man threw a frisbee into the air. Seconds later, two lazers seemed to come from no where, destroying the frisbee. "Right... go sit down... wherever you are..." I heard Matthew sit back down next to me not a second later.

"Alfred Jones!" He called after working with a few other students. I stood and walked down the bleachers and over to him. "Hm... what can you do?"
I grinned "I can fly... and I have super strength!" I said proudly like a little child.
"Matthew is your twin correct?"
I nodded "Yep!"
"So if I'm correct, you two are rare pure bloods?"
I nodded yet again "Mmmmhmmm!"
"Well then... it's been awhile since we had two of those..." He said before gesturing to a large cylinder, glass room thing that was tipped on its side. "Get in there."
I nodded and pulled a pair of goggles out of the pocket of my bomber jacket and walked up the steps into it. The latched shut behind me and a strong wind began blowing me back. I took off the ground and flew in place, fighting the current with ease, my body was parallel to the ground and my arms were outstretched ahead of me.
The man pressed a few buttons and the wind increased in strength. On top of that, targets kept swinging up and almost hitting me. I either broke through them with my fists or dodged around them every time.
The wind increased to hurricane speeds and began pushing me back slightly. There was a red button ahead of me that I had to press. With much effort, I managed to reach it and press it.
The man lead me out of the chamber and over to a platform. I stood there for a moment before he pressed a button a huge slab of cement came down on me. I caught it above my head with ease and spun it around on my finger before tossing it to the side.
"Good... SkySlicer and ArmorArms will be proud of their boys." He stated as I flew back to his seat and high-fived Matt.
"Arthur Kirkland!" The man shouted to the mass of children as a boy decently close to me turned bright yellow.


Ayyyyyyyyy. I finished the first chapter of this. As you can tell. I'm aiming on making these ones lengthier than my other stories. I hope you've enjoyed so far, cause poor Arthur has to have his turn next chapter.

P.S. My cat loves you.

You're My Hero: Usuk Herotalia School AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora