Chapter 3

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Arthur's POV

"Watch out nerd!" A group of three upperclassmen shoved past me. One was moving at supersonic speeds, one was stretching like a slinky, and the last had a bird on his shoulder.
I stared down at my text books, watching my limbs turn blue as I tried to stay calm. After everything that had happened yesterday there was no way I would make it to graduation. They weren't even in my class and they knew how much of a loser I was. It sucked. Then again, if I freaked out and acted like an ass (like usual) I would be labeled as a jerk for all of high school.
"Hey! Dude are you ok?" I turned to face a pure blood, he looked to be a freshman like me. He was hovering over the ground with a worried look on his face. That's right. He was the one kid with the really impressive performance.
"Pardon? What would make you think I'm not fine?" I said while lying horribly. I needed to remain calm and kind, even though I was freaking out internally.  If I messed this up, it would be all over.
"You're the color of the sky..."
"R-right..." I instantly turned a pink color "Th-thats not important..."
"Don't worry... the bad touch trio are just a bunch of idiots anyways." The pure blood said to me with a kind smile "I'm Alfred, SkySlicer and ArmorArms' kid!"
I was right... a pure blood, and a kid of two really famous pure bloods. If I could remain friendly just until he got bored of the conversation, maybe u would have a friend, and one that could take care of me. "Arthur... Chameleon is my father..."
Alfred smiled at me, he seemed far too optimistic for my tastes, but he was a chance at friendship either way. "I should've known. You and him have identical powers..." Alfred said as he landed on the pavement. He was tall... it was very obvious right now considering that he wasn't flying anymore.
"Right... well I'm off... don't want to be late for Quests 101." I said while trying to end the conversation while it was still young and on a good note.
"Hey! That's my first class as well!" Alfred shouted as he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the school, my skin turning a bright yellow "Let's go there together!"

Alfred's POV

He was really shy, but that was ok. The bright yellow color of his skin was kinda funny as I dragged him through the halls to our classroom. I knew he was nervous, I could tell by how much he tried to disappear. He wasn't like my brother though.
I skidded to a halt and glanced at him "Here it is, room 23" I stated blankly while still gripping his arm pretty tight. He yanked his arm away from me and scowled, gaining confidence to stand up for himself.
He turned slightly red as he spoke "I didn't need help, you wanker!" His accent made me laugh, but I quickly stopped when he glared at me as if he were going to rip my head off. "I don't see what's funny! You should learn to respect others' space!" He was turning more red with each second.
"Geez... sorry, dude" I said, even though I wasn't very sorry. His moods seemed to change drastically from shy to grumpy almost instantly when we had reached the room.
Arthur seemed to notice that he was being a little too prickly and turned back into a blue color "No... you're fine, Alfred. I'm just..." He seemed to pause for a long moment "I'm just nervous. That's all."
"It's fine, Artie!" I said as I pushed the classroom door open. I could hear Arthur start to say something, but he cut off when seeing the teacher, who was glaring at us. The teacher looked to his list and huffed "Mister Jones and..."
"Kirkland." Arthur cut in while nervously trying to make his way to the back of the room.
"Ehem!" The teacher cleared his throat and motioned to two seats in the front "You two will be sitting here. Since you decide to be late." I had completely ignored the bell that had rung three minutes earlier. I looked over to Arthur, who was a red color, staring straight back at me.
"Right... of course Mr..." I glanced at the board where his name was "Erm... how do you pronounce that?"
The man let out a huff "Just call me Mr. B" He said as we sat in the two front desks.
"Yes sir..." Arthur said quietly. With no more disruptions the teacher started his class.

Arthur's POV

The bell rang to let out Quests 101, and I gladly rushed out of the room. Before I even got two feet down the hall, a strong hand was on my shoulder.
"Artie... I'm sorry, dude. I didn't mean to get you in trouble." It was Alfred. The pure blood. He looked really sorry and really upset. My red skin slowly faded back to a normal peachy color.
"It's fine, Alfred... but don't call me that ever again!" I could see his eyes light up and like a puppy he grinned widely. He wrapped and arm over my shoulder and dragged me in the direction of what seemed like the right class. Hero Design.


Heyooooo! I'm back! Sorry for the delay on my stories. School has been catastrophic. As soon as I'm done writing this I'll need to finish a crap ton of school work. Just to clear something up real quick. Mr. B is Germania. And the next teacher will be everyone's favorite Vargas.

P.S. My cat loves you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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