Chapter One

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Alec's P.O.V

Alec was in his room, he had barely left the past three months. He couldn't erase her death from his mind and it only brought more pain to his chest. His long sleeve black shirt hid his scarred arms from the countless cuts he had made since Ade's passing. A soft cry escaped his lips as another round of body shaking sobs took over. The feeling of an open hole in his chest, pulling waves of pain through his body over and over again. The familiar footsteps of his family passing his door could be heard but they were drowned out by his sobs. Slowly sitting up, he made his way to the bathroom with small sniffles and cries escaping his slightly parted lips. Entering his bathroom, he locked himself in as his back slid down the door. The tears started falling harder and faster as his sobs became louder, the pain only becoming more intense almost too much for him to handle. He got up and grabbed his razor from the cabinet. Dragging it across his arm he felt a sense of calm as he made more, however, his peace came to an end as the blood was pouring on to the floor. His vision faded and........

Hey Wolves, it's Lessa I'm so glad you have come to my second book. I know I left a cliff hanger, but what will happen to our dearest Alexander? If you want to be in my book, just message me. See you soon!

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