Chapter Two

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Alec's P.O.V

He grabbed onto the counter and held himself up so he didn't fall unconscious. Quickly grabbing his stele he drew an iratze only enough to stop bleeding and seal the wounds. He quickly left his bathroom and changed into a pair of nice jeans and a dark blue button up shirt. Grabbing his wallet he put it in his back pocket and left down the hallway. Alec walked down the long and dark corridor of the Institute and got outside. It was around 12 AM, walking down to the Pandemonium club. Entering the club he was instantly hit with the heavy smell of alcohol and the sight of many, rather hot men, dancing to the upbeat music. He walked to the bar and ordered a very strong drink and downed it, almost instantly becoming intoxicated. He walked to the dance floor and started dancing with a hot silver-haired nephilim, the other males hands were hot against Alec's cool skin and it only made him want the male more. He danced with him for a few minutes and became rather tired of dancing. He dragged the  male into a back room and shut the door, locking it. 

Hey Wolves, Lessa is back again. I had broken my laptop and am trying to update more often. I will make a update schedule soon. Also, should the next chapter be a smut of our drunk Alec and his mysterious lover. 

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