Where it starts

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3rd P.O.V

  The Cullen's were on a hunt  only one had stayed behind because of his thirst it had felt like the hunger was  over powering him after a while he was finally satisfied. He was heading home when he heard a cry into the woods he wondered what a baby could be doing out here in the woods. The cries of the baby just got louder, so he went to go check on why it could be crying. Eventually as he followed  the cries he saw a baby basket as he looked inside he saw a beautiful baby girl. "Now who could leave such a beautiful baby girl out here all alone" Jasper said.

  The baby cries got shorter and shorter and eventually she stopped crying. Jasper then picked her up and slowly walked backed to the Cullen's temporarily home (p.s the Cullen's are temporarily living in Alaska). As, he walked at a human speed he stared at the beautiful baby adoringly as she was the fragilest
and most important thing in the world.

Because he was staring at the baby, time eventually passed, and they had finally made it to the Cullen's home.  As he entered the house every one stared at him as if they had smelled the baby from a mile away Alice just stood there smiling as she already knew this was going to happen. Esme was first to speak "Jasper honey why are you holding a child can you control your thirst" Esme said. "Actually I can surprisingly, I can it's like she has this power over me" Jasper said.

"How did you find her" Dr. Cullen said "on my way back I heard cries and decided to see who or what it was  and as a got closer I saw it was this beautiful thing over here" Jasper said. As Jasper said that across the room you can see  Alice spark with some jealousy. Now you may be wondering why Alice is jealous of a baby well that's because she is one heck of a little short (I'm short too😂) jealous  pixie (might as well slap a label on her and call her Tinker Bell😂😂😂 sorry I couldn't stop myself).

Plus she was able to see the future and see that Jasper would be paying attention to her a lot, and she did not like that one bit. "Oh Carlisle can we keep her" Rosalie said finally speaking up.

  "I mean I guess we can, but we have to consider this as a family meeting" Carlisle said. "All for the baby staying" Esme said, and almost everyone's hand went up "all for the baby not joining are family" Esme said and Alice raised her hand up Jasper looked at her as she had just stabbed him in the heart.

     "Alice honey why don't you want the baby to stay with us" Esme said "because how are we so post to keep a baby human what if the volturi  find out about her, what if we can't control our thirst, and most importantly Jasper what if  losses control over his thirst" Alice said.

    "We can think about that later for now we have to act human until she is older enough to know about us" Carlisle said. "Agreed" he said and everyone  had just nodded. Rosalie then spoke up "what are we going to name the little angel" she said. "How about Mary, Mary Cullen" Esme said staring at the baby ever so lovingly.

(and that is how the story of how Mary Cullen life had just started)

Hope you guys like this first chapter I know I enjoyed writing it also this is my first book about writing on anything like this.

Disclaimer I do not own any of the twilight series that all belongs to Stephenie Meyer so credits to her other than that I only own the charter Mary Cullen and any other characters I might come up with down the line.

twilight//A human Cullen?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora