chapter 4

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Naruto POV

My eyes flung open as i felt my body slam against cold hard stone. I sat up to see Gaara standing there with his sand pulling back to himself.
"What the hell was that for Gaara?!" I whined at him. I'm still sleepy. I fought back a yawn.
"You weren't waking up." Gaara said. His voice unchanging, bit i saw a hint of relief in his eyes, and i groaned. Im an idiot. Gaara tried to wake me up and when i didn't he got worried. I stood up and put on my shirt which was now, finally, dry. "We need to resume the mission." Gaara said before he turned and walked out of the cave. I turned and followed him out. My eyes were adjusted to darkness of the cave since the fire had gone out before i had woken up. At least out here there is a moon. Yay moon light! I jumped and swung from tree limb to tree limb following the fading trail. This is not going to work. We need to move faster for lost time. So i did. Gaara kept up with apparent ease. Then an idea popped into my head.
"Hey Gaara, can your sand carry two people?" i asked him as i jumped.
"Yes." He replied without even looking at me. I grinned and instead of flinging myself to the next branch flung myself on Gaara. Unfortunately it did not go as planned. I slammed into him and knocked him off his sand and was about to fall on top of him before i wrapped my arms around him and twisted. Thus putting me on bottom. I let go a little early though so we landed awkwardly. I groaned when i tried to move. Its a good thing he sand cushioned his fall because that would have hurt. He head had landed right between my legs. Luckily his sand managed to absorb most of the moment before he hit, Or it would have hurt a lot more. I felt him move, and i nearly gasped aloud when i felt his breath through my pants. He sat up immediately when he realized his head was on my cock. I sat up as well, my face bright red. I understand that technically we only just started going out about an hour or two ago, but i had been trying to deny my feelings for Gaara for a while and he was even worse than me. i heard a chuckle on the back of my mind.
"Kit, you move fast you know. You already got his face between your legs!" He roared out in laughter. I felt my face heat up even worse.16
"Damn it kuruma! Thats not what happened!!" I replied harshly. He just laughed harder.
"Thats what the all say!"
"Shut up damn fox!" I yelled at him and pushed him and his obnoxious laugher as far back in my mind as i could. I blinked and found myself back and looked over at Gaara. God that fox is annoying. Gaara seems preoccupied with something. Maybe Shukaku bugs him like Kuruma bugs me. He could be talking with him right now. I smiled softly. I'll just wait till he's done.

Gaara POV
"Yes." I said. Not even looking over at Naruto. Then i felt something slam into me and knock me over. What ever it was, it wrapped itself around me and twisted, i used my sand to try to stop my fall but that didn't work very well. I shut my eyes and braced for impact. I landed on something but i couldn't see what because sand was everywhere from how i tried to use it stop my fall. It did serve as i kinda of cushion though. I moved and felt something on either side me. I frown slight and turned my head and pulled my self up a bit. I let out breath, i felt something tense. It was then i realized where i landed, or more accurately where my head landed. Right on Naruto's cock. I sat up as fast as i could when i realized this and saw Naruto's face was red. As was mine, although he probably doesn't know that since i am wearing my sand armor. How.... Embarrassing? Interesting? Awkward? Sweet smelling? I shook my head when i felt Shukaku pull me into her little corner.
"Did you seriously call that thing 'sweet smelling'?" Shukaku demanded. I said nothing. She groaned. "Interesting? Awkward? Sweet smelling? Come on make up your damn mind! Either you wanna fuck him or you don't it's really that simple." She said with a grunt. I just looked at her. "Hey," she said with a half grin, "if its any help, it looks like Naruto is interested in fucking you as well." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying not let those words paint pictures in my mind. To late. Images of Naruto's skin upon my own, and of him making me his filled my mind. I shook my heard trying to clear when i heard Shukaku laughing. "Let me know when you make up your mind Gaara, this. I am curious to see how it turns out." And with that she shoved me out.

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