A slightly weird experience

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Alfred plummeted into the darkness.
He felt the cool air whip past him as he fell into the unknown.
The serpent was intrigued by how long he had been falling for, surely he would have reached the bottom by now?
He was so deep in thought that he forgot to look down and failed to notice the deep blue hue of the bottom quickly approaching him.
Alfred was completely caught off guard when he pierced the surface of the water.
He turned and focused all of his energy on swimming back to the surface.
Alfred didn't want to think about what would happen if he stopped swimming, so he concentrated on surviving this challenge.
He felt relief wash over him as the tip of his snout broke through the glimmering water.
The confused snake turned his head around in a circle.
There was nothing around him, seemingly for miles, except for a small blinking light.
He looked around for a couple of seconds, then subconsciously started to head in the direction of the light.
His head swarmed with ideas on what he might find at the light.
He really wished it was something solid that be could slither on, be it a buoy, stray surfboard, or in the best circumstance, an island.
The random flash of the light gave him hope that there was something there, not just more water stretching out for miles.
He continued on through the endless ocean, wondering if he would drop dead of exhaustion before he reached the light.
He was also becoming aware of a faint banging noise, like a firework, although he didn't know if it was real or just his brain making up things to make this empty blue void more interesting.
He decided to go with the latter.

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