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The sounds of violently crumbling rock abruptly woke up Alfred.
He lifted his head to check out what was happening but he couldn't make out anything through the thick smoke surrounding him.
He could hear loud hissing coming from everywhere around him.
A blast of steam exploded from a crack in a rock to his left.
The confused snake swiftly slithered away from the dangerous vents, hoping to reach a safer location.
He lifted himself up over a rock ledge and continued to move.
A small pebble impacted the ground a few metres away.
The ground let out a deafening groan.
As soon as he arrived at the very top of the mountain, Alfred looked around the visible area.
The plain was covered in smoke and the ground was vibrating violently.
A few vents in the ground seemed to be in the process of releasing gasses.
Far out in the distance the frightened snake could see a bright orange glow.
He vaguely recalled his mother telling him a long time ago about an event that took place when she was just a hatchling.
While she was being taught how to hunt for mice and other tasty snacks by Alfreds grandmother, the ground started to groan and shake.
Soon a strange glowing liquid started unpredictably spilling out of the ground. His grandmother and his mother got out of there as fast as they could and went in the general direction of the beach.
His mother spoke of how the sea on the horizon rose up to form a wall of water which was rapidly coming in their direction.
Alfreds mother was swept up by the collosal wave and spent several days in the open sea until she was washed ashore.
Alfred wondered if the same event was taking place here.
The cries of startled and surprised animals rang out from different locations on the plain.
Without warning, the ground split open, shaking the earth.
Alfred rolled to his left, narrowly escaping the large crack.
Not a minute after he was clear from the area, a stream of steam erupted from the crack.
He sure did not want to become roast snake, but he had nowhere to go.
Here at least he could see what was happening around him.
Without warning, some water violently spilled over the top of a smaller mountain to his right, invading the burning plain.
The amount of smoke in the area decreased as the water put out the multiple fires.
In the distance, the orange glow was still visible, brighter than it had been before.

The ground shook more violently than he thought possible. Alfred was thrown against a boulder. A deafening noise rang out through the sky, deafening him. He could not hear anything that was happening around him. In some ways it was a comfort that he could avoid the terrifying noises of what was happening around him. However, hearing was an important sense to him, effectively disabling the snake. The ground shook again, and the glow exploded. Lumps of hot rock started to fall from the sky.

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