Bathroom break

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Caina's POV

I slowly came back to consciousness only to have a pounding headache. Attempting to get my bearings I realised I was gently swaying with every step the person bellow me was making. Everything came flooding back Ezra, the kidnapping, the more I remembered the angrier I got I took a breath and began my attack "Put me down you fucktard !!!"


I was so pissed this idiot now knew my name, no matter how hard I punched kicked and screamed he continued on like it was nothing so in the end I gave up.

We or should I say Ezra had been walking for ages, I had no idea where he was talking me until I saw the faint glow of the city lights in the distance, sudden panic overwhelmed me, knowing that I would be tortured for information about the whereabouts of other survivors. Now i really had to find a way to get into the safety of the trees knowing that Ezra wouldn't be able to catch me if I do, but how do I get out of his iron grip.

"I need to go to the bathroom moron" it took him a few seconds to register what I had said "can't you wait we are almost there?" he whined, I rolled my eyes at his reaction. I had to act fast, I could see the city lights becoming clearer so I started to wriggle in his grip, "no I really have to go... like right now" I complained he growled at my squirming but reluctantly agreed and started to set me on my feet. I stumbled at first as I felt the blood rush back down into my feet, turning me to face him he held onto my arm to keep me from falling. I don't remember him removing his glasses maybe he lost them when I stabbed him? But it was a shock when I met his stunning blue eyes "go behind that tree and don't even think about trying to escape or you will be extremely sorry... do you understand Caina?" I didn't answer fast enough so he gripped my wrist tighter "do you understand?" he growled I watched as his eyes went from an icy blue to a startling cobalt black I felt my eyes widen in disbelief and meekly nodded.

I turned on my heel and stumbled towards the tree that Ezra had directed me too, I took a deep breath and cleared the picture of Ezra's eyes out of my mind that can wait till I'm back with my brother. I looked up at the tree before me and planned the best route up it wasn't the best tree to climb but I'll just have to deal with it. I got a good grip on the bark and placed a foot against the trunk I started to hoist my weight up but before my other foot could touch the tree I was forced forward into the bark and pinned by my shoulders, with no time to process my predicament I was yanked backwards spun around and slammed back first into the tree, my feet inches off the forest floor.

I gasped as the pain of the force washed over me and blinked away the tears as best as I could I took a long deep breath to try and get my lungs to function once more and slowly lifted my gaze to meet blazing black eyes with angry flecks of red, the eyes of none other than Ezra and boy did he look furious.


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