guys guys

28 4 3

i'm socially anxious


i'm kinda anxious in all fields.. of that makes sense..

okay i should stop talking about that now.

iN oThEr nEwS:

i'm really confused!!

like mega confused!!

it's not cool!!

have you ever thought you liked someone and then been confused as to why you like them and then not wanted to like them, all while still liking them?

yeah that's basically me right now.

like i don't even know their middle name and i like them...

..i think

i don't really know what's going on in my hormonal teenaged heart but i hATe iT oMG.

it's so confusinG!!

send help!!

like they're so formal and sweet and dbehbdhsb

i just don't knOw

i don't like having "crushes" on people or whatever because i think it's stupid- now anyway

i think it's dumb to date right now, so early in life

it could result in heartbreak too early and my frail heart can't take that- at least i don't think so

so, i don't like liking people but i kinda like someone?

i think that's the most i've ever used the word like in the same sentence.

every other white girl is quaking.

i don't really know what this is i'm feeling-

well,, in reality i'm feeling a cluster of emotions surrounding this person and it's weird


help me??


call 9-1-1??

okay that's all for me for right now,

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