ayyy kill me mate

18 1 12

i'm sick and i hurt

my tummy is growling and there's something in the back of my throat

i feel like i'm gonna be sick but it won't come out

see, the problem with being sick (for me anyway) is that i get anxious about being sick, and it somehow makes me more sick, so then i'm just a sobbing mess who's holding their breath trying not to vomit everywhere.

sorry, that was graphic.

but anyways!

how is your day going so far?

i hope you're doing well.


i genuinely hope that you are doing nicely.

^^ respond to that, tell me how your day is going so far, i'd genuinely like to know.

i'm going to go work on some books i'm getting ready to upload soon!

i have a lot of ideas!

stay hydrated lads

rad ✧ spam Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora