Part 3

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***Rodi pov***

I sat at my desk and looked through the case file director Burke had given me again.
Basically... James had stolen a bunch of diamonds and I had to get them away from him.
His MO was to kill everyone by either slashing their throat of shooting them in the throat. But usually not helpers.
I looked at the long list of his known associates in the file which read;
Dan Burly
Harrison Patt
David Sholt
Frank Whells
Rafael Pams
Hank Miller
Mike Fren
Francis Laem
Liam Park
Jacob Aer
Allen Fisher
Barry Rams
Remi Pines
Stacy Dealone
Opal Paisea
Pennie Spats
Casey Kam
Kalyn Floats
George Floats
Rebecca Lawrence
... And so on.
The list went on for pages and most of them were trained snippers and shooters. If we did this loudly any agent or person who helped on the case would be hunted and killed without hesitation. Plus it was too risky to go in with guns blazing, or with guns in general. We had the sneak our way out of this, or... into this, this way the only person that would be in danger was me. I would be held responsible for the whole thing.
Once I got out I would call in the FBI agents to his apartment who were wearing no name tags or masks.
Caffery and some person named Mozzie were working on diamond fakes to replace the real ones with so that I would have a bit more time to get out with out being noticed. They would put them in the briefcase fake and it would be ready to go. The only reason they knew what the case looked like was because James wasn't a very nimble kind of guy. He got caught on three security cameras with the case of diamonds. He always kept whatever he stole close in this case 'close' meant in his safe place in his apartment or at the secret par, aka Pa,s. He ALWAYS had a safe place. I had to persuade James to let me into his apartment and switch the cases with out getting killed, if he didn't have the case on him, and considering our history that would be tougher than most things I've done before.
Oh god help me, I thought as I face planted into my desk as I heard foot steps approach me.

Alrighty. See ya in the next chapter!

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