I still love you

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Clary then slaps my chest and then pounds her fist on it. Tears pour down my cheeks. The slaps and punches were so light, yet filled with so much pain. She then burries her face into my chest. I would have rather her hit me harder, knock me out....kill me, hate me, anything but this. She sobs into my chest.
"WHY! I was so happy.....and then you go ruin it by asking some other girl to marry you...You have broken me over and over.......And somehow i still love you, I still love you more than i love myself" Clary says. It hurts, it hurts so bad when she says this. I would rather get kicked in the stomach 1,000 times than listen to her painful words.....Or any other physical pain. I wrap my arms around the broken girl i love with all my heart.
"Clary, She has schizophrenia" I whisper. "If you want, i can take you to the police station.....they have her file there" I say. She lifts her head.
"No, I belive you" She says Leaning to her left and pointing behind her. Her voice still had heartbreak and a hint of amusement. I look over my shoulder and see Stephenie being pushed into a cop car.
"WE ARE ENGAGED!!!!!I AM PREGNANT WITH HIS BABY! HIS BABY!!!" Stephenie yells. I look back at Clary.

I look at Jace and he looks back at me. "Jace....maybe we should be apart....for a while" I offer sadly.
"Take a break? Or wait.. no...you mean break up." He says a little coldly, not meaning to. My eyes widen.
"NO, no....No not break up....I just...I need some time to just....get over this" I tell him. I should break up with him. Just stop giving my heart to him so he ccan break it.
"Right....sorry" He says. His voice was filled with worry and angst and it was apolagetic.
"Just for a little while though....i just need some time Jace" I say. He nods. I can't break up with him, he means too much to me, he is tge only person i have left, and even if he wasn't i still want him.
"It's fine...i understand." I smile at him.
"Is there...anyone else i need to worry about?" I ask him. He laughs a little sadly and shakes his head.
"No," He confirms. I nod and start walking away. "Hey, you left your phone and clothes at the hotel" Jace says.
"It's ok, i won't need them" I tell him. I will probably be binge watching netflix on my laptop i brought from home and eating the stock of emergency choclates.
"Ok" Jace says.

I haven't moved from my hotel room for two days. She still isn't back. I sigh and get dressed. If i'm going to wait around i should at least visit some family friends. I put on My jeans, t-shirt, glasses and leather Jacket. I walk to my car and drive. I get to the house and ring the doorbell. I hear the barking of Bo. The door opens. I smile and the woman gasps.
"Jace!" She says. She then hugs me tightly. "It's so nice to see you!" She says.
"Thanks Michelle" I say.
"What are you doing in Washington?" She asks.
"I'm visiting my........fiancee" I say.

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