"pretty petticoat" or "For Raphaëlle J."

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She was in the bus,
Looking straight forward.
Sometimes by the left,
To see through the window;
To see how many trees were moving;
And how many people were smiling.
Then, arriving at our high school's gates, she smoked.
But not any way of smoking.
The way that makes you out of your mind.
The way that makes you fall in love.
She had those fucking bright eyes.
When she finally gave a look toward me, I stopped breathing.
I felt overflowed with tears and ashes;
It was like she bequeathed all the sadness in my soul and then ran away.
I want to be her, not just like her. I mean, I envy her so much. She's so beautiful, so precious, I've never seen that before. I'm sorry but I guess I'm jealous and I don't want to feel that way. But that girl right there is so... I mean look at her! Don't you see her shining and dancing around people ?
I'm wondering if she likes me,

I'm intrigued.

NymphéasDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora